[過去ログ] Recruiting new PLUS volunteer reporters. (1001レス)
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914(4): ◆DARIUS.ei. 2014/05/11(日)16:54 ID:EyT1v/o90(1/6) AAS
140 名前:Grape Ape ★ [] 投稿日:2014/05/11(日) 14:58:34.82 ID:???0 ?2BP(666)
Please wait. I am going to give everyone that applied to be CAP reporter status.
I am going to be very careful with who gets a CAP on newsplus.
A very smart person has pointed it out to me that
Newsplus is the varsity team
The other plus boards are JV
and Freshman team
あと 87 レスあります
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