[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★21 (1001レス)
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223(1): Grape Ape ★ 2014/04/09(水)20:37 ID:???0 AAS
Jap is a derogatory term in the United States. That is recent though as culture and words
morph through generations. When I was a child, Jap was not derogatory. The Boeing 747 plant
was built next to Jap Gulch. I grew up on the other side of Jap Gulch from the 747 plant.
I played in Jap Gulch. I was an amateur archeologist in Jap Gulch. It has since been renamed
to Japanese Gulch, because the term is now derogatory. I don't know what year or when it
became derogatory, but I don't use the term anymore.
Since I moved to the Philippines, I have learned that the English language is different in other
parts of the world. English seems to have stopped morphing here in the 1930s. This is because
of the Japanese colonial rule, and then independence after WW2 and a language shift towards
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