[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★43 (1001レス)
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37: ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/28(土)00:24 ID:???0 BE AAS
Some nice 名無しさんsent me some messages to test.
60: ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/28(土)08:20 ID:???0 BE AAS
It must be all that baseball in the way. Maybe we should call the commissioner?
Then get the games canceled.
(4): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/29(日)20:17 ID:???0 BE AAS
I think it is a fantastic idea. Maybe we can make that board this week.
(3): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/29(日)20:33 ID:???0 BE AAS
Hmm, sounds like someone used my name. I didn't ban anime. I like anime.
You words feel very upset. Please excuse me for not understanding why you are so upset.
219: ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/29(日)20:33 ID:???0 BE AAS
That is health news.
(1): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/29(日)20:52 ID:???0 BE AAS
Is that new server working well? I hope it can keep up with anything.
(2): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/29(日)20:54 ID:???0 BE AAS
It is a serious problem. I am very sorry for the inconvenience.
(3): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/29(日)20:56 ID:???0 BE AAS
Mr. Jim, I could not write even a smartphone even on PCs au until deregulation.
This is because I was hit by the collateral of hosts that are regulated by the killing of J notice what people to say why I can not write on a computer.
Deadline because not mentioned is the total server regulations that host more, means to write to 2ch had cut off all two months au host before it is deregulation.
In addition, it is unstable host you do not know is au Heights re-regulation.
I am hoping to host that can be written in a stable manner.
So, you've hit by collateral also unreasonable and is relatively stable than au
I'd like a deregulation of the host named.
Or I'd like a reduction of the period of the specified time limit.
(1): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/29(日)21:23 ID:???0 BE AAS
(1): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/29(日)21:56 ID:???0 BE AAS
多分大丈夫です。 画像リンク[gif]:img.2ch.net
(2): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/29(日)22:04 ID:???0 BE AAS
I saw this board. Is it similar to what you are talking about?
I think it is a pretty big anime board.
(2): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/29(日)22:07 ID:???0 BE AAS
Oh, maybe something can be done. Please show them to Mango-Mangue-san.
(1): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/29(日)22:11 ID:???0 BE AAS
The Great Grape Ape show is pretty good.
I also like Speed Racer, Jonny Quest, Gigantaur and Captain Planet.
299: ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/29(日)22:17 ID:???0 BE AAS
I did yoga this morning. It is sort of my hobby now. I also walk my dog.
301: ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/29(日)22:20 ID:???0 BE AAS
It is pretty explicit in translation. Anything means anything. Baseball is almost over.
September will be here soon. It is not a good idea. What will you discuss on rainy days
and when it is snowing? There are at least 8 anime boards here, and some more on Pink Channel.
(1): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/29(日)23:26 ID:???0 BE AAS
Mang-Mangue-san should be informed of that. Maybe he can do something.
(1): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/29(日)23:29 ID:???0 BE AAS
>>313 Some can go here
and others can go here.
But most will stay where they are. It is their community.
(1): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/30(月)12:44 ID:???0 BE AAS
Have you received a complaint from KRSW?
(1): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/06/30(月)19:49 ID:???0 BE AAS
bbtec is not regulated. Maybe a specific ip block.
Please talk to your ISP. They will have a ticket from us. If they update it
and solve the problem, then it will be released.
(1): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/07/01(火)08:29 ID:???0 BE AAS
Good morning Drunker-Kun.
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