[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★47 (951レス)
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58: 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる 2014/09/02(火)05:16 ID:3N0M39i00(1) BE AAS
59(1): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/09/02(火)08:17 ID:???0 AAS
I will watch this movie board. This setting is not particularly appealing.
60: 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる 2014/09/02(火)08:39 ID:OZeH0xEf0(1) BE AAS
61: 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる 2014/09/02(火)15:20 ID:wydqoK0K0(1) BE AAS
62(1): 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる 2014/09/02(火)22:25 ID:FUEu3lLh0(1) BE AAS
Since the introduction of the prefecture name displayed by the vote
Similar movement has come out in the other board.
Do you be accepted if the applicant, such as the same has been made?
63(1): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/09/02(火)23:45 ID:???0 AAS
Those folks talked about it a long time. I followed it for at least a month. I think
it is a mistake and probably they will be voting to change it again later. Please
be specific, what board and why?
64: 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる 2014/09/03(水)00:24 ID:22HcIW4o0(1) BE AAS
Thank you for giving me answer
As far as I know, residents of the plate the following showed such opinion
Has become the most motivated and Anime sales thread
They were driven out by the jack because it was invaded plate existing seeking prefecture name display for troll measures.
It was invaded another plate again, but there is no prefecture name displayed there.
They will consume one thread in a few hours talking vigorously very.
cinema(not movie)board
990 名無シネマさん(広島県) [sage] 2014/09/02(火) 09:18:46.39 ID:67+yUSdF
65(1): cure happy ◆.j5TlHAPPY 2014/09/03(水)00:47 ID:VYq+hKgR0(1/2) BE AAS
66: royal candy ◆CANDYC24U6 2014/09/03(水)01:34 ID:VYq+hKgR0(2/2) BE AAS
67(1): 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる 2014/09/03(水)01:39 ID:vxvlq3X+0(1) BE AAS
new board please
93 signature
68(1): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/09/03(水)10:28 ID:???0 AAS
So, that looks like you are asking me to create a board for the pirated information
of Blu Ray sales, that seem to popup all over the place. Honestly I don't understand
the appeal, but I do know that information comes from another site. It is in their
protected area, and you need to pay to get that information.
Probably copy and paste of all of that information is not good, or nice, or appropriate.
69(1): 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる 2014/09/03(水)13:16 ID:aqvVR0aA0(1) BE AAS
Hi, jim-san
In other words, do you think the thread(売上スレ) should exist in anarchy board Jim-san?
70: ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/09/03(水)15:25 ID:???0 AAS
Try liveanarchy.
71(1): 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる 2014/09/03(水)23:01 ID:cs5S6lRc0(1/2) BE AAS
Hello Jim-san,
do you remember about irc.2ch.net ?
the DNS entry for irc.2ch.net was removed on 2ch.net. but it is not deleted on 2ch-dot-sc.
IRC server itself is not changed anything, but currently it accessible only as irc.2ch-dot-sc.
IRC server ops are keeping silent for this problem.
just updated "2ch@IRC wiki" about access to IRC server for peoples.
72(1): 71 [tateisu@gmail.com] 2014/09/03(水)23:20 ID:cs5S6lRc0(2/2) BE AAS
And also,
I hope to communicate with Jim-san with e-mail.
I'm op of 2ch@IRC 3rd server.
I do not accomplice either Jim or Nishimura.
I hope just stop confusing on 2ch@IRC.
73(1): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/09/04(木)11:02 ID:???0 BE AAS
Good morning
I didn't receive the email.
74(1): 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる 2014/09/04(木)11:33 ID:nXPIlycn0(1) BE AAS
please tell me your mail address, or send to any mail to address shown on mail column of res 72 ?
75: ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/09/04(木)13:50 ID:???0 BE AAS
76(1): 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる 2014/09/04(木)16:52 ID:hXiJrlw30(1) BE AAS
ありがとう Jim-san
I was sent a mail about 2ch@IRC and some proposal.
77(1): ◆rBEoblancQ @Grape Ape ★ 2014/09/04(木)17:43 ID:???0 BE AAS
I saw the email, and replied to you.
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