[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★47 (951レス)
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(1): 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる 2014/10/11(土)23:52 ID:7aHJp+6O0(1) BE AAS
No. That news isn't about 2ch.
It looks like 2ch, but it imitates 2ch.
Probably,you say these site.


This site look like 2ch's theard,but not copy from 2ch. It's fake 2ch.

I say to you is these site.example:

I talk about 2ch's copy site.you said VIP thread can't reprint,but matome site reprint this thread now.
I think that If such be allowed, then the I would also like to do.Of course,without affiliate. That is kuragesokuhou.
(1): Grape Ape ★ 2014/10/12(日)09:47 ID:???0 AAS
So you believe that copying a copy is
a good thing?
I have an idea, why not make a web page
with the title of a thread, then link to the
uniform resource locator for the information
about that title.
I can not understand your reasoning for wanting
to make a copy of a copy.
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