[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★47 (951レス)
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(1): 動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる 2014/09/03(水)23:01 ID:cs5S6lRc0(1/2) BE AAS
Hello Jim-san,

do you remember about irc.2ch.net ?

the DNS entry for irc.2ch.net was removed on 2ch.net. but it is not deleted on 2ch-dot-sc.

IRC server itself is not changed anything, but currently it accessible only as irc.2ch-dot-sc.

IRC server ops are keeping silent for this problem.
just updated "2ch@IRC wiki" about access to IRC server for peoples.
(1): 71 [tateisu@gmail.com] 2014/09/03(水)23:20 ID:cs5S6lRc0(2/2) BE AAS
And also,
I hope to communicate with Jim-san with e-mail.
I'm op of 2ch@IRC 3rd server.
I do not accomplice either Jim or Nishimura.
I hope just stop confusing on 2ch@IRC.
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