[過去ログ] 5ch不具合報告スレ (1005レス)
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8(2): Walang Kapalit ★ 2017/10/10(火)10:40 ID:CAP_USER9(1/10) AAS
56(1): High Sierra Sky ★ 2017/10/18(水)14:29 ID:CAP_USER9(2/10) AAS
We turned off carpenter server. SAYONARA.
And Oekaki is just maintaining now. Just wait moment.
62(2): High Sierra Sky ★ 2017/10/18(水)22:34 ID:CAP_USER9(3/10) AAS
Sorry for the delaying.
We found critical hardware error on OEKAKI servers, we are fixing now.
We estimate that our task finish until tomorrow morning by Japan time.
We are sorry for the inconvenience. GAMBARIMASU. 🙇
74(2): High Sierra Sky ★ 2017/10/19(木)08:52 ID:CAP_USER9(4/10) AAS
During hardware repairing the one hard drive broke.
We've already ordered new drive.
A thousand apologies for the inconvenience. 🙇🙇
84(2): High Sierra Sky ★ 2017/10/19(木)18:52 ID:CAP_USER9(5/10) AAS
OEKAKI is coming up again.
A thousand apologies for the inconvenience.
199: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/01/19(金)04:53 ID:CAP_USER9(6/10) AAS
Some board top page was not updated.
And BBx system was broken too.
We fixed those.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
725(1): High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/03/21(水)02:24 ID:CAP_USER9(7/10) AAS
May the force be with you, live long and prosper. 🖖
800(5): High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/03/24(土)23:13 ID:CAP_USER9(8/10) AAS
Just now revived egg.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
804: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/03/24(土)23:15 ID:CAP_USER9(9/10) AAS
rebuild subject.txt now. for all boards.
819: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/03/24(土)23:27 ID:CAP_USER9(10/10) AAS
Let me know if some board is still wrong.
Thank you so much for your helps.
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