[過去ログ] 【 MACKEREL HAS BEEN DOWN 】サーバダウン情報 (1002レス)
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6: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/06/02(土)21:20 ID:CAP_USER9(1/60) AAS
have a enjoy!
10: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/06/02(土)23:00 ID:CAP_USER9(2/60) AAS
Some API servers and RONIN are down now.
Have a fun! :)
24: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/06/03(日)02:25 ID:CAP_USER9(3/60) AAS
Some servers were shutdown.
maybe the earthquake affects. LoL.
25: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/06/03(日)12:43 ID:CAP_USER9(4/60) AAS
welcome back!
26: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/06/03(日)12:43 ID:CAP_USER9(5/60) AAS
welcome back!
27: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/06/03(日)13:48 ID:CAP_USER9(6/60) AAS
Umm, Its strange.
72(3): High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/06/04(月)10:57 ID:CAP_USER9(7/60) AAS
We are sorry for the longest downtime with inconvenience.
however, this weekend maintenance was canceled.
thank you so much.
79: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/06/05(火)20:28 ID:CAP_USER9(8/60) AAS
Open the gate of livejupiter.
the move is not doing yet. :)
80(1): High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/06/05(火)21:05 ID:CAP_USER9(9/60) AAS
We dont transfer the live threads.
And we dont transfer the 'hawktr' board.
We will only update bbsmenu and make redirect setting on hawk server.
83: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/06/06(水)01:15 ID:CAP_USER9(10/60) AAS
We start moving hawk to swallow as soon.
Have a enjoy. ;)
88: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/06/06(水)01:22 ID:CAP_USER9(11/60) AAS
OIC, We are sorry it is our mistake.
We lost it, `update menu after setup the redirection.` from the move instruction manual.
96: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/06/07(木)01:14 ID:CAP_USER9(12/60) AAS
We are going to turn off hawk.
thank you so much, hawk.
120: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/06/18(月)02:37 ID:CAP_USER9(13/60) AAS
We're just checking hte agree and tanuki server now.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
121: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/06/18(月)06:50 ID:CAP_USER9(14/60) AAS
tanuki came back online.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
125: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/06/26(火)07:57 ID:CAP_USER9(15/60) AAS
We're just checking the qb5.5ch.net server now.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
126: High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/06/26(火)08:16 ID:CAP_USER9(16/60) AAS
come back online, qb5.
137(3): High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/07/03(火)23:14 ID:CAP_USER9(17/60) AAS
1 API server is down now. We are fixing now.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
144(2): High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/07/03(火)23:59 ID:CAP_USER9(18/60) AAS
Some server have file system error.
Continuously, We are fixing now.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
175(1): High Sierra Sky ★ 2018/08/07(火)14:42 ID:CAP_USER9(19/60) AAS
itest.5ch.net(itest.bbspink.com) is down now and we are fixing.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
240: High Sierra Sky ★ 2019/01/12(土)00:39 ID:CAP_USER9(20/60) AAS
We schedule security update on each servers at this midnight.
krsw, nhk2, rio2016 and tanuki.
It will be estimated to encounter the timeout while a bit.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
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