[過去ログ] 【 MACKEREL HAS BEEN DOWN 】サーバダウン情報 (1002レス)
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297(3): High Sierra Sky ★ 2019/04/24(水)11:30 ID:CAP_USER9(33/60) AAS
We will be undergoing maintenance in data center at 04 AM 26 April 2019 JST.
It will be estimated downtime 15 minutes and affected almost servers.
We are apologized for the inconvenience.
298(1): 2019/04/24(水)14:57 ID:TtY+ziiQ0(1) AAS
it's been a long time!\(^o^)/
thank you for always working hard!
299(2): High Sierra Sky ★ 2019/04/26(金)03:58 ID:CAP_USER9(34/60) AAS
The maintenance is canceled.
We need to reschedule maintenance.
We are apologized and will be announced again.
Thanks alots.
303(1): High Sierra Sky ★ 2019/05/08(水)13:31 ID:CAP_USER9(35/60) AAS
We re-scheduled at 04 AM 10 May 2019 JST.
Some server will be down about 15 minutes.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
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