世界のハルヒスレ (499レス)
抽出解除 必死チェッカー(本家) (べ) レス栞 あぼーん

41: 2024/08/22(木)03:38 ID:Ug77z2N80(1/17) AAS
Wiki is a website created by Haruhi.
42: 2024/08/22(木)03:39 ID:Ug77z2N80(2/17) AAS
The US is a democracy.
43: 2024/08/22(木)04:13 ID:Ug77z2N80(3/17) AAS
US United States
UK United Kingdom
PC Personal Computer
TV Television
44: 2024/08/22(木)04:19 ID:Ug77z2N80(4/17) AAS
You can use a browser on your personal computer and on your smartphone.
45: 2024/08/22(木)06:01 ID:Ug77z2N80(5/17) AAS
Harvard and Stanford are the best universities in the US.
In Japan, the best universities are Tokyo University and Kyoto University.
Tokyo University and Kyoto University are called the former imperial universities.
46: 2024/08/22(木)06:02 ID:Ug77z2N80(6/17) AAS
Catholicism is white Buddhism.
47: 2024/08/22(木)06:02 ID:Ug77z2N80(7/17) AAS
Haruhi's Buddhism is a new Buddhism.
48: 2024/08/22(木)06:06 ID:Ug77z2N80(8/17) AAS
Catholics are not Satan.
49: 2024/08/22(木)06:17 ID:Ug77z2N80(9/17) AAS
Trusted capitalism is better than Marx.
51: 2024/08/22(木)07:23 ID:Ug77z2N80(10/17) AAS
Russia and Africa also need theist religious organizations.
52: 2024/08/22(木)07:23 ID:Ug77z2N80(11/17) AAS
In developing countries, the Web is scarce, so they may not be able to search for phone numbers.
53: 2024/08/22(木)07:29 ID:Ug77z2N80(12/17) AAS
Except for Buddhists, South Koreans are Satan.
54: 2024/08/22(木)14:45 ID:Ug77z2N80(13/17) AAS
The proportion of Jews in the UK is increasing.
55: 2024/08/22(木)14:47 ID:Ug77z2N80(14/17) AAS
56: 2024/08/22(木)14:48 ID:Ug77z2N80(15/17) AAS
と and
I and you are friends.
57: 2024/08/22(木)15:38 ID:Ug77z2N80(16/17) AAS
であり and
なので because
だけど but
でも though
ではなく don't and
ではないので because don't
ではないけど don't but
でなくても though don't
58: 2024/08/22(木)15:38 ID:Ug77z2N80(17/17) AAS
で by、in
に for
A love B
と and、with
や or
の of
から from
も too
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