[過去ログ] 吹田市総合スレッドpart8 (1002レス)
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772: 01/02(火)20:19 ID:yDXYV0Cp(1/2) AAS
To Students and Graduates

Japanese People say and think, "If we have no textbook, we cannot survive"
It's right or wrong?

Every textbook publisher for high school say,
"In Osaka, about 20 high school students are so clever" they think.

However, they only study and remember the Notes of the textbook we published.

And there are No Textbooks to survive.
773: 01/02(火)20:37 ID:yDXYV0Cp(2/2) AAS
Many Professors in some 4 year university say,
"You cannot get any textbook on our class. If you cannot see what we've said, you will hardly survive."
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