吹田市総合スレッド part9 (224レス)
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197: [age] 01/28(火)10:27 ID:sRLG3/rJ(1/4) AAS
198: 01/28(火)10:36 ID:sRLG3/rJ(2/4) AAS
199: [age] 01/28(火)11:17 ID:sRLG3/rJ(3/4) AAS
English Reading (examination)
「Try a Slow Life」
In modern society, people are always busy and this fast pace of living can be stressful. The movement toward a slow life has shown us that you don't have to be busy all the time. Instead, you can slow down and notice things that are truly meaningful to you. By taking your time and being completely focused on these things, you can improve the quality of your work and life. This essay will describe some ways to do this.
One key point of the slow life is to own fewer belongings. This makes it easier to concentrate on everyday activities. Many people today tend to buy more than they can consume. Do you really need five pairs of the latest sneakers? Slow-lifers would recommend reducing possessions and buying only necessary items.
Another recommendation is to think about your communication style and manner in your public and private life. Sadly, one study has found that around 90% of people check smartphones during face-to-face conversations, which may appear impolite and affect relationships negatively.
200: [age] 01/28(火)11:54 ID:sRLG3/rJ(4/4) AAS
主な科目の平均点は、英語(リーディング) 59.65点、同(リスニング)62.91点、 「数学Ⅰ、数学A」 56.66点(いずれも100点満点)、国語126.13点(200点満点)など。
物理基礎(50点満点)は、今回から出題形式が変わったが、旧センター試験を含めて 2015年度以降で最低の26.04点だった。
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