[過去ログ] 安くて音のいいDACすれっど。 (937レス)
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515: 2001/06/23(土)20:09 AAS
The P-5 will be a DSP-based DAC/processor with remote
control, dual differential 192KHz DAC's, high-speed analog
amplifiers, digitally-actuated stepped attenuators, and
balanced inputs and outputs. Digital connections consist
of I2S, coaxial, TosLink inputs and outputs, with an AUS/EBU
input. Unlike the P-1A, the P-5 runs 24-Bit / 192KHz
Upsampling and Interpolation via internal I2S only but like
it, will host optional Speaker-Only Correction Software
(SOCS) and Room Correction Software (RCS). A major revision
of the original P-5A DAC concept, the sleek, full-sized P-5
will be an exceptional value and convenience for users
requesting more than the P-1A and P-3A can provide.
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