[過去ログ] 【議論】転載禁止総合【投票】★7 (1001レス)
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20(3): 2014/03/05(水)16:33 ID:/xyqPQ8Z0(2/25) AAS
800 :Code Monkey ★ :2014/03/05(水) 16:29:30.16 ID:???
The stats page has a bug and is broken at the moment.
Post counts are way high now. Almost 3 million a day.
The stats page is only counting 3 servers, "Pele", "Kilauea", and "Hayabusa".
I am working with Fox-san to fix the stats page. After it is fixed then you can see that post counts have increased a lot.
あと 981 レスあります
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