[過去ログ] Lets talk about Ninja version 2.0 ★2 (602レス)
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550(1): 忍法帖【Lv=41,xxTP】 2014/05/10(土)15:50 ID:U/Zz5yYb0(4/4) AAS
Lets talk about Ninja version 2.0 ★2
380+7 : 忍法帖【Lv=10,xxTP】 @Code Monkey ★ [] :2014/05/08(木) 02:45:38.87 ID:???0 [PC] ?2BP(1000)
Tomorrow I will also enable ninja to work on every board, even if there is no BE setting on that board.
390+1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です [↓] :2014/05/08(木) 02:47:36.04 ID:z3pnSCJJ0 (5/15) [PC]
you mean we can use new ninja without Be in other boards like vip, right?
403+3 : 忍法帖【Lv=10,xxTP】 @Code Monkey ★ [] :2014/05/08(木) 02:50:23.67 ID:???0 [PC] ?2BP(1000)
Yes. I will make that functionality tomorrow.
I am still testing the new ninja system and making specifications.
After the specification is solid, then I will make an announcement on a 924 thread.
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