[過去ログ] Tokyo: Fast Food "Sukiya" Workers Demand Higher Pay (15レス)

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4: 2014/05/30(金)00:46 ID:Epk8e6RX0(3/3) AAS
Two weeks ago, fast food workers protested for similar reasons. Labornet Japan,
a network of activists and citizens defending rights of workers, posted a video about activities in Tokyo
linked to global actions for fast food workers. Labornet writes:

On May 15, 2014, there were simultaneous global actions in thirty-five countries to demand respect for fast food workers’
rights and fair wages to them. In Japan, the action was organized mainly by the Tokyo Young Contingent Workers’ Union,
and the participants walked through a fashionable street in the Shibuya district in central Tokyo. They said,
“We don’t need to work overtime and can afford to enjoy dinner or dating with 1,500 yen an hour”.
The action got a positive reaction from people working in the district. They told me about their hourly wages,
“950 yen”, “1,100 yen” and “1,200 yen” [each equivalent of 9.3 USD, 10.8USD, 11.8USD], all of which are still low.
In front of a Sukiya beef bowl shop and a McDonald’s, the demonstrators demanded fair wages of minimum 1,500 yen an hour,
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