[過去ログ] Tokyo: Fast Food "Sukiya" Workers Demand Higher Pay (15レス)
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5: 2014/05/30(金)00:47 ID:vSU3NZSu0(1) AAS
Many people of present Japanese think that life is the term of punishment.
The word " the success of life" means only to reduce our penalties.
Many school teachers always say "Leave every hope, you who grow up!"
They don't like to talk about "dream", "success", "justice".
(Of cource they are not bad people. They are only ashamed of talking about good side of the life.)
So they usually teach students how to take the route which has less pain.
As a result, many Japanese people burn with anger of justice to someone happy.
In other country, people only feel jealousy.
But in Japan, everyone who feels happiness or who doesn't feel any agony in his life
faces such kind of "anger of justice".
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