[過去ログ] 【女性差別】うなぎを少女に擬人化した、ふるさと納税PR動画が、海外から流石のジャップランドと酷評される。 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net [353374601] (516レス)
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24: (ワッチョイ c31f-ETlQ) 2016/09/29(木)11:05 ID:4zfR4X9+0(1/2) AAS
Bizarre Japanese advert showing a woman in swimsuit being fattened up, turned into an eel and cooked is banned after ‘sexist’ outrage
27: (ワッチョイ c31f-ETlQ) 2016/09/29(木)11:05 ID:4zfR4X9+0(2/2) AAS
It produced an advert comparing high school students to cows being bred for meat or dairy farming. One teenage girl is singled out for her ability to produce milk.
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