[過去ログ] アパホテル「南京大虐殺は捏造!安倍さん頑張れ!」安倍ぴょんが作った歴史研究グループ「南京大虐殺は事実」 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net [204160824] (153レス)
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40: (ワッチョイ 7fb2-FX2p) 2017/01/19(木)13:46 ID:2IHq38620(1/2) AAS

APA Hotel is denying not only Rape of Nanking but Pearl Harbor and insisting that the US blew up the USS Arizona themselves and blamed Japan.

“Revisionist WWII propaganda in the room” ★☆☆☆☆
Review of APA Hotel

> The book was full of all kinds of absurd claims like the Nanking massacre was invented by the Chinese, the comfort women of WWII were
> happy, well paid prostitutes who enjoyed playing sports in their free time, and a
(2): (ワッチョイ 7fb2-FX2p) 2017/01/19(木)13:46 ID:2IHq38620(2/2) AAS

APA Hotel is denying not only Rape of Nanking but Pearl Harbor and insisting that the US blew up the USS Arizona themselves and blamed Japan.

“Revisionist WWII propaganda in the room” ★☆☆☆☆
Review of APA Hotel

> The book was full of all kinds of absurd claims like the Nanking massacre was invented by the Chinese, the comfort women of WWII were
> happy, well paid prostitutes who enjoyed playing sports in their free time, and a "sorry not sorry" explanation of Pearl Harbor and the claim
> that the US blew up the USS Arizona themselves and blamed Japan.
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