[過去ログ] Jアノン、死亡 アメリカ政府、日本のQアノン支持者を調査開始 無事テロリスト予備軍リスト入りwxwxw [195740982] (1001レス)
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1(4): 2021/01/20(水)11:33 BE AAS
Biden Nominee Vows to Track Foreign Influence on Domestic Extremist Groups
Avril Haines, who has been nominated to be director of national intelligence, told senators that she would assist with a public written assessment of the threat from QAnon.
>Intelligence officials have tracked the spread of QAnon theories to Germany, Japan and other countries.
>And people who have spoken to the Biden transition team say the incoming administration wants to build on that work to see if foreign governments have in turn tried to promote the spread of QAnon, or other extremist right-wing movements, in America.
2: (ワントンキン MM52-p24c) 2021/01/20(水)11:33 ID:3Ow5+s3WM(1/2) AAS
3: (ワントンキン MM52-p24c) 2021/01/20(水)11:33 ID:3Ow5+s3WM(2/2) AAS
4: (ワッチョイ f9de-p24c) 2021/01/20(水)11:33 ID:diu97+2g0(1/2) AAS
5: (ワッチョイ f9de-p24c) 2021/01/20(水)11:33 ID:diu97+2g0(2/2) AAS
6: (ワッチョイ 919c-p24c) 2021/01/20(水)11:33 ID:swalsokx0(1/2) AAS
7: (ワッチョイ 919c-p24c) 2021/01/20(水)11:33 ID:swalsokx0(2/2) AAS
8: (ワントンキン MM52-p24c) 2021/01/20(水)11:33 ID:MlSBjahbM(1/2) AAS
9: (ワントンキン MM52-p24c) 2021/01/20(水)11:33 ID:MlSBjahbM(2/2) AAS
10: (ワッチョイ f9de-p24c) 2021/01/20(水)11:34 ID:i4i0ISs70(1/2) AAS
11: (ワッチョイ f9de-p24c) 2021/01/20(水)11:34 ID:i4i0ISs70(2/2) AAS
12: (JP 0H79-p24c) 2021/01/20(水)11:34 ID:u0NpBw/MH(1/2) AAS
13: (アウアウエー Sa0a-MKw1) 2021/01/20(水)11:34 ID:DuuLyEiVa(1/9) AAS
14: (JP 0H79-p24c) 2021/01/20(水)11:34 ID:u0NpBw/MH(2/2) AAS
15: (ワンミングク MM52-p24c) 2021/01/20(水)11:34 ID:7+o0B06oM(1/2) AAS
16: (ワンミングク MM52-p24c) 2021/01/20(水)11:34 ID:7+o0B06oM(2/2) AAS
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