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248: 安倍晋三🏺 (ワッチョイW 432b-+v/b) 2024/11/19(火)11:01 ID:nfrEZ2uy0(1) AAS
A new study from Construction Coverage said the median rent price for North Texas is $1,903 per month, ranked 22nd among large metros in the country. The most expensive place for renters is in California, which accounted for the top four spots on the list: San Jose ($3,451), San Diego ($3,175), San Francisco ($3,141) and Los Angeles ($2,777).
Austin was the most expensive Texas city on the rankings, coming in at 17th with a median rent price of $2,109.
Houston ranked 37th on the list with a median rent price of $1,507.
While the rankings were sorted by median rent price, they also included prices for studio, one-bedroom, two-bedroom, three-bedroom and four-bedroom rentals.
Here were DFW's prices for each:
Studio: $1,489
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