[過去ログ] 【速報】ロシア、ICBM発射 ★2 [697377135] (1002レス)
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601(2): 2024/11/21(木)18:49 ID:YOV0XH5V0(9/21) AAS
>Political criticism
The missile has been criticized by Western defense observers for indirectly breaching the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty).
The missile demonstrated, with a light or no payload, the ability to reach above the agreed 5500 km limit of the treaty.
However all further testing have been flights with significantly shorter ranges. The RS-26 was twice tested at a distance of about 2000 km.[13]
While the RS-26 is technically an ICBM, its range falls just barely inside the ICBM category. According to a US magazine article, the RS-26 is exactly the same concept and a direct replacement for the RSD-10 Pioneer—known to NATO as the SS-20 Saber—which was banned under the INF treaty.[14]
The RS-26 is designed to pose a strategic threat to European capitals and has the ability to target NATO forces in Western Europe.
According to an article by Jeffrey Lewis entitled "The problem with Russia's missiles",
the purpose of these weapons is to deter Western forces from coming to the aid of the NATO's newer eastern members that are located closer to Russia's borders.[15]
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