[過去ログ] 【イエス】癒し主 救い主 【キリスト】Part 130 [転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)
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139(2): mirna 2015/11/12(木)21:01 ID:sKUrMRun(23/30) AAS
>>136 これ?
It was E.W. Kenyon that explained
“When this happened, spiritual death,
the nature of Satan, took possession of His Spirit....
He was to partake of Spiritual Death, the nature of the Adversary....
Jesus knew that the moment had come, and He was to be made Sin.
He must partake of that dread nature of the Adversary.
His body would become mortal. Satan would become His master....
He [Jesus] had been lifted up as a serpent. Serpent is Satan. Jesus knew
He was going to be lifted up, united with the Adversary.”
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