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763: 2017/02/23(木)21:55 ID:FbgurG38(1/13) AAS
Buddha's teaching lead us to non-duality, from the discrimnation concept of two conflicting points of view.
It is a mistake for people to seek a thing supposed to be good and right, and to flee from another supp0sed
to be bad and evil.
783: 2017/02/23(木)22:10 ID:FbgurG38(2/13) AAS
As already explained, people forever have gone on yielding to their worldly passions, repeating sin after sin, and carrying burdens
of intolerable acts, unable of their own wisdom or of their own strength to break these habits of greed and indulgence.
If they are unable to overcome and remove worldly passions, how can they expect to realize their true nature of Buddhahood ?
809: 2017/02/23(木)22:24 ID:FbgurG38(3/13) AAS
Buddha, who thoroughly understood human nature, had great sympathy for men and made a vow that He would do everything possible, even at
the cost of great hardship to Himself, to relieve them of their fears and sufferings.
To effect this relief He manifested himself as a Bodhisattva in the immemorable past and made the following ten vows:
824: 2017/02/23(木)22:31 ID:FbgurG38(4/13) AAS
(a) たとい、わたしが仏と成ったとしても、わたしはこの国に生まれる人々が、確かに仏と成るべき身の上となり、
(a) "Though I attain Buddhahood, L shall never be complete until everyone in my land is certain of entering
Buddhahood and gainning Enlightenment.
834: 2017/02/23(木)22:37 ID:FbgurG38(5/13) AAS
(b) たとい、わたしが仏となったとしても、わたしの光明に限りがあって、世界のはしばしまで照らすことがないならば、
(b)"Though I attain Buddhahood, I shall never be complete until my affirming light reaches all over the world.
843: 2017/02/23(木)22:43 ID:FbgurG38(6/13) AAS
(c) たとい、わたしが仏に成ったとしても、わたしの寿命に限りがあって、どんな数であってもかぞえられるほどの数であるならば、
(c) Though I attain Buddhahood, I shall never be complete until my life endures though the ages and save innumerable nombers of people.
853: 2017/02/23(木)22:53 ID:FbgurG38(7/13) AAS
(d) たとい、わたしが仏に成ったとしても、十方の世界のあらゆる仏が、ことごとく称賛して、わたしの名前を称えないようなら、
(d)"THough I attain Buddhahood, I shall never be complete until all the Buddhas in the ten directions unite in praising my name.
857: 2017/02/23(木)23:03 ID:FbgurG38(8/13) AAS
(e) たとい、わたしが仏と成ったとしても、十方のあらゆる人々が真実の心をもって深い信心を起こして、わたしの国に生まれようと思って、
(e)"THOUGH I attain Buddhahood, I shall never be complete until people with sincere faith endeavor to be reborn in my land by repeating
my name in sincere faith ten times and actually do succeed in this birth.
858: 2017/02/23(木)23:15 ID:FbgurG38(9/13) AAS
(f) たとい、わたしが仏と成ったとしても、十方のあらゆる人々が、道を求める心を起こし、多くの功徳を修め、真実の心をもって願いを起こし、
(f)"Though I attain Buddhahood, I shall never be complete until people everywhere determine to attain Enlightenment, practise virtues,
wish sincerity; thus, I shall appear at the moment of their death with a great company of Bodhisattvas to welcome them my Pure Land.
859: 2017/02/23(木)23:25 ID:FbgurG38(10/13) AAS
(g) たとい、わたしが仏と成ったとしても、十方のあらゆる人々が、わたしの名前を聞いて、わたしの国に思いをかけ、多くの功徳のもとを植え、
(g)"Though I attain Buddhahood, I shall never complete until people everywhere, hearing my name, think of my land and wish to be born there and,
to that end, plant seeds of virture with sincerity, and thus able to accomplish all to their hearta' desire.
860: 2017/02/23(木)23:37 ID:FbgurG38(11/13) AAS
(h) わたしの国に来て生まれる者は、【次の生には仏と成るべき位】に到達するであろう。そして、彼らは思いのままに人びとを教え導き、
(h)"Though I attain Buddhahood, I shall never be complete until all those who are born in my Pure Land are certain to attain Buddhahood , so that
they may lead many others to Enlightenment and to the practice of great compassion.
862: 2017/02/23(木)23:46 ID:FbgurG38(12/13) AAS
(i) たとい、わたしが仏と成ったとしても、十方の世界のあらゆる人々が、わたしの光明に触れて、身も心も和らぎ、
(i)"Though I attain Buddhahood, I shall never be complete until people all over the world are influenced by my sprit of loving comoassion that will purity their minds and bodies and lift them
above the things of the world.
863: 2017/02/23(木)23:56 ID:FbgurG38(13/13) AAS
(j) たとい、わたしが仏と成ったとしても、十方の世界のあらゆる人々が、わたしの名前を聞いて、生死にとらわれることのない深い信念と、
(j)"Though I attain Buddhahood< I shll never be complete until people everywhere, hearing my nane, gain right ideas about
life and death, and gain that perfect wisdom that will keep their minds pure and tranquil in the midst of the world's
greed and suffering.
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