[過去ログ] 【消毒GIG】xxxxxGAUZExxxxx【ベジタリアン】 3 (1002レス)
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618: 2021/09/27(月)18:44 ID:??? AAS
I'm telling you, Mr. SHIN of Gauze is amazing.
He never comes out in the open, does he?
If SHIN started Twitter or Instagram, he'd get a lot of flack from creepy beepans like you, right?
Maybe he's on Twitter as an anime icon to hide behind, but he's not doing it as SHIN the Gauze.
If Mr. SHIN posted on Instagram, you guys would be hitting like at the speed of light, right?
You guys are so creepy looking.
It's always been a favorite of beepans, niwaka and posers, gauze and GISM.
You guys, when you wear your old disinfection commemorative T-shirts or GISM T-shirts, it gives you the illusion that you're stronger, right?
In a dimly lit room, wearing a GISM t-shirt you bought at Foudbrain.
I'm sitting in a dimly lit room, wearing a GISM t-shirt I bought at Foudbrain, reading an interview with Ishiya from Kansai Hardcore that I pre-ordered, my brain juices flowing.
"I'm a punk. ・・・・ I'm a punk. ・・・・・hihihihi・・・・・・・ I'm a punk. ・・・・hihihihihi・・・・
You're mumbling to yourself.
You're rubbing the GISM record you bought at the Disk Union against your nose, sniffing it.
Soo-ha, soo-ha.
You get the picture, right?
That's what I'm talking about.
If you're beepans, you're definitely going to like SHIN's post.
But SHIN is not on social media, even though he can feel like a star.
He doesn't dare to soak in the warm water and feel good about himself.
In other words, Mr. SHIN doesn't try to destroy his fans' dreams.
Always core-tic, always equalizing, always crashing the pose.
You know what I mean, guys?
That's why Gauze SHIN will always be Gauze SHIN.
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