航空無線通信士・航空特殊無線技士 Part13 (319レス)

77: 2022/10/28(金)01:19 AAS
You are the captain of a passenger plane. During the flight you have noticed a volcanic eruption. The volcanic ash may reach you if you continue along the planned route. What should you do?
1. I should request an emergency landing near the volcano.
2. I should take no action and continue to fly along the planned route.
3. I should take immediate steps to avoid the ash and request ATC-clearance for a different route.
4. I should approach the volcano to make a detailed report on its status to the meteorological agency.

You are the captain of an airplane and the Pilot Flying. When your co-pilot calls out V1 during the final stage of take-off, what does that generally mean?
1. The plane is at the right speed for landing.
2. The plane has not reached the safe take-off speed.
3. The plane is now going too fast to abort the take-off.
4. The plane has reached the speed for retracting the landing gear.

Flare is the movement of the aircraft taken just before touchdown to prevent nose landing gear from touching the ground first. Which of the following is the correct description of flare?
1. The nose of the aircraft is lowered in order to descend.
2. The movement of a descending aircraft using the localizer's radio signal
3. The nose of the aircraft is raised so that the main landing gear will land first.
4. The movement of a descending aircraft without deviation from the glide slope

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