真岡鉄道 part5 (29レス)
真岡鉄道 part5 http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/
1: 名無し野電車区 [age] 2006/09/24(日) 16:59:38 ID:PPK6mg7q 落ちたから立て直しました 前スレ ttp://hobby7.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1149913439/ http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/1
10: 名無し野電車区 [age] 2006/09/29(金) 18:25:16 ID:+LLBcLzR あげ http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/10
11: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/09/30(土) 05:41:10 ID:awkoceGk age http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/11
12: 名無し野電車区 [sage] 2006/09/30(土) 19:19:40 ID:NHxGBfEP C12ゲト http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/12
13: 名無し野電車区 [sage] 2006/10/02(月) 00:41:40 ID:HkZsy7Li 今は無きDD1355 http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/13
14: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/10/02(月) 01:00:47 ID:YH4nIlbI Is there 'By means of making or chacking a particular person' ? Why is it ? Please abolish or Please set back. However please tell me, come on. Is it a wrong-bind ? It's a wrong-bind. That is, It's a harm ! What do yours know ? http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/14
15: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/10/02(月) 01:20:04 ID:YH4nIlbI If anybady try(or tried) to kill me, Not by a roundabout way, Please kill me by rifle, pistol, and knife. I like lead(Pb) (or Ag, Au) as a kind of bullet(or shell), for better or for worse. If yours want to kill me, Please kill me. I dont't ran away. (It is better for yours(and me) to be developed into a bloody affair.) http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/15
16: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/10/02(月) 02:41:50 ID:YH4nIlbI I don't make the story, and I am not influenced by movies and comics (That is, virtual reality). For example, By various technologys, humans could be deprived emotion(ex: grief). That is, It could be possible to be hinded dead bodys, and It could be possible to be hinded crimes. http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/16
17: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/10/02(月) 03:46:22 ID:YH4nIlbI What relation is jealousy(not all love)-troubles ? Is it relation to jealousy(not all love)-control ? Is it a kind of mind-control ? That is, Is there such a way of making use of jealousy(men and women) ? If anybady make bad use of jealousy, Naturally enough that is Set back and Arrested or Fined. I'm very jealous, but the jealousy isn't the source of my heart. I think that it is important to control by eachself. In other words, at least me, I think that Self-control is very important in case of jealousy, and Everybady must not make bad use of jealousy, normaly. What relation is it ? http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/17
18: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/10/02(月) 05:29:06 ID:YH4nIlbI ×making→○marking http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/18
19: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/10/02(月) 18:44:26 ID:YH4nIlbI only 14 →×making→○marking 翻訳ソフトを頼りにすると英語は大変になる。 英語の先生や英語のできる人を頼りにしたり、一般的な文法書(電子書あり)や一般的な辞書(電子辞書あり)を使用すること。 1:文頭(前)から英語を読み理解しようとする練習をする。また、その心がけ。興味のある内容の英語を読むのも可。知っている内容の英語を読むのも可。 http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/19
20: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/10/02(月) 22:58:12 ID:YH4nIlbI Caution : For I'm not familiar using English, I may mistake grammars and words. Fool facker(s) such-copy from a particular parson. As a result, you lose yourself. Do you have yourself ? Don't lose yourself. However, Who is facker ? (Of course, I may be a different-facker.) http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/20
21: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/10/02(月) 23:40:40 ID:YH4nIlbI Caution : For I'm not familiar using English, I may mistake grammars and words. Fool fucker(s) such-copy from a particular parson. As a result, you lose yourself. Do you have yourself ? Don't lose yourself. However, Who is fucker ? (Of course, I may be a different-fucker.) I like ASP type96... PleasePleasePlease.....Hit me to my brain ! Come on. I may be danger. http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/21
22: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/10/03(火) 01:07:59 ID:DeZE9xBE For I'm not familiar using English, I may mistake grammars and words. I may go to a doctor's office. Who am I ? I may have a medical certificate. Judging from the report of the superdoctor, I am a common and normal man. I think that it is good to write on the '2 channel' for somebady. Because You ought not to see who write on this. I love you. Plesae..... http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/22
23: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/10/03(火) 01:22:20 ID:DeZE9xBE It is Not 'good' but 'for worse or better'. http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/23
24: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/10/03(火) 02:32:10 ID:DeZE9xBE I am similar to the terminal cancer. That is, Euthanasia is ASP type96...... http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/24
25: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/10/03(火) 03:26:18 ID:DeZE9xBE For I'm not familiar using English, I may mistake grammars and words. Fool fucker(s) such-copy from a particular parson. As a result, you lose yourself. Do you have yourself ? Don't lose yourself. However, Who is fucker ? (Of course, I may be a different-fucker.) I may go to a doctor's office. Who am I ? I may have a medical certificate. Judging from the report of the superdoctor, I am a common and normal man. I think that it is worse or better to write on the '2 channel' for somebady. Because You ought not to see who write on this. I love you. Plesae..... I like ASP type96... PleasePleasePlease.....Hit me to my brain ! Come on. I may be danger. I am similar to the terminal cancer. That is, Euthanasia is ASP type96...... http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/25
26: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/10/03(火) 03:27:36 ID:DeZE9xBE Is there 'By means of marking or chacking a particular person' ? Why is it ? Please abolish or Please set back. However please tell me, come on. Is it a wrong-bind ? It's a wrong-bind. That is, It's a harm ! What do yours know ? If anybady try(or tried) to kill me, Not by a roundabout way, Please kill me by rifle, pistol, and knife. I like lead(Pb) (or Ag, Au) as a kind of bullet(or shell), for better or for worse. If yours want to kill me, Please kill me. I dont't ran away. (It is better for yours(and me) to be developed into a bloody affair.) I don't make the story, and I am not influenced by movies and comics (That is, virtual reality). For example, By various technologys, humans could be deprived emotion(ex: grief). That is, It could be possible to be hinded dead bodys, and It could be possible to be hinded crimes. What relation is jealousy(not all love)-troubles ? Is it relation to jealousy(not all love)-control ? Is it a kind of mind-control ? That is, Is there such a way of making use of jealousy(men and women) ? If anybady make bad use of jealousy, Naturally enough that is Set back and Arrested or Fined. I'm very jealous, but the jealousy isn't the source of my heart. I think that it is important to control by eachself. In other words, at least me, I think that Self-control is very important in case of jealousy, and Everybady must not make bad use of jealousy, normaly. What relation is it ? http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/26
27: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/10/03(火) 06:38:30 ID:DeZE9xBE A membership system religion Assembly, or line of A membership system religion Assembly. What relation is scuh a thing ? Is it a kind of Terrorists ? include : ex.)By way of being maked use of group psychology. For example, extremists(kagekiha) : Japanese is 過激派 soukagakkai : Japanese is 創価学会 kennsyoukai : Japanese is 顕正会 touitukyoukai : Japanese is 統一教会 pana-wave laboratory : Japanese is パナウェーブ研究所 oumusinrikyou : Japanese is オウム真理教 hounohana : Japanese is 法の華 kouseikai : Japanese is 佼成会 etc.・・・・・。 I had not join(in my sense of values) in 'For example series' from birth. (Maybe, I think that In Japn is the majority of 'join'.) I don't hope me to join 'For example series'. Heart of 'Believe it' or 'Not-believe it' is another topic. But My grandmother was 'kouseikai'-member in the old days. And I am 'bukkyou' automatically from birth in Japan. Normally, I am unconscious of such as Religions, Assembly and Society. But, I am a bit only conscious of it by media. What relation is this sort of thing ? http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/27
28: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/10/04(水) 03:35:36 ID:cLPKF6m5 http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/28
29: 名無し野電車区 [] 2006/10/05(木) 05:46:48 ID:3k8Mbx63 Is it something relation ? What relation is it ? どっちがどうですか? http://echo.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/rail/1159084778/29