竹内糞 さんのスレ (619レス)

589: 2016/06/11(土)00:18 ID:+L+GeteM(3/3) AAS
 "The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume II" の、
 Chapter 20. Solutions of Maxwell’s Equations in Free Space
  20-3 Scientific imagination から(部分的に)引用

So you say,

“Professor, please give me an approximate description of the electromagnetic waves,
even though it may be slightly inaccurate,
so that I too can see them
as well as I can see almost invisible angels.
Then I will modify the picture to the necessary abstraction.”

I’m sorry I can’t do that for you.

I have known about the electromagnetic field a long time
—I was in the same position 25 years ago that you are now,
and I have had 25 years more of experience thinking about these wiggling waves.

When I start describing the magnetic field moving through space,
I speak of the ▲$\FLPE$- and $\FLPB$▲-fields and wave my arms
and you may imagine that I can see them.

I’ll tell you what I see.
I see some kind of vague shadowy, wiggling lines—here and there is an ★$E$ and ★$B$
written on them somehow,

and perhaps some of the lines have arrows on them—an arrow here or there which disappears
when I look too closely at it.

When I talk about the fields swishing through space,
I have a terrible confusion
between the symbols I use to describe the objects
and the objects themselves.
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