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85(3): 2013/04/18(木)23:13 ID:??? AAS
Let a be fine-structure constant.
a is given by the Hans-de-Vries (HdV) equation:
a = Γ(a)^2・exp(-ππ/2),
The Γ(a) factor is a small correction on the Gaussian exponential.
It can be expressed as a so-called radiative series in a.
86(1): 2013/04/20(土)23:23 ID:??? AAS
original series
Γ(a) = Σ[k=0,∞) (1/2π)^{k(k-1)/2} a^k
= 1 + a + aa/2π + (a/2π)^3 + ・・・・・
116: 2013/06/01(土)20:37 ID:??? AAS
・CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical constants: 2002
a = 1/137.03599911 (46)
・CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical constants: 2010
a = 1/137.035999074 (44)
root of original HdV equation
867(4): 名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう! Go to vote! 2016/07/10(日)19:56 ID:??? AAS
e = Γ(a) e0,
a = ee/(2chε0) = Γ(a)^2 e0e0/(2chε0) = a0,
1/a0 = exp(ππ/2) = 139.0456366606487415630
We presume that the spin-related component in the coupling constant e, associated with vacuum polarization, is:
An electromagnetic coupling with a magnetic moment.
So, including a first anomaly term, we make the following guess, similar to Gordon decomposition:
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