[過去ログ] なぜ悪質な永久機関ビジネスはなくならないのか?4 (763レス)
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(4): 2013/08/16(金) NY:AN:NY.AN ID:??? AAS
Journal of Applied Logic
Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2005, Pages 15-41

The most popular of those is the so-called Russell set, R := {x|not x∈x}, for by the law of
excluded middle one immediately gets ‘R∈R∧not R∈R’, an apparent contradiction.
371: 2013/08/16(金) NY:AN:NY.AN ID:yZNU8F6H(2/6) AAS
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF

(1): 2013/08/16(金) NY:AN:NY.AN ID:yZNU8F6H(3/6) AAS
376: 2013/08/17(土) NY:AN:NY.AN ID:KGz9QE31(2/4) AAS
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF

383: 2013/08/17(土) NY:AN:NY.AN ID:nZuPwh11(1/3) AAS
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF
there is nor any Russell set in ZF

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