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315(1): 2018/03/18(日)19:20 ID:kmVUWqib0(4/5) AAS
The thought “I didn’t think my life would end so early” pops into my head.
After 10 year of reclusive life style I was diagnose with mental illness at age 20.
I miss my only chance a while ago, it went back in the flash.
I didn’t think for a second that everything I do is not connect to society (well maybe in the corner of my mind)
People around me(neighbor) start losing their jobs
They’re getting fat(me too) and just wondering around.
Awesome. Space is Awesome. Just awesome, awesomeness.
Space is awesome.
First, it’s huge. not just huge, it’s super huge.
Just how huge?
“About 20 Tokyo dome?”
No, nothing like that level.
It’s infinite. There should be an unit of measurement call “Amazing!” Because it surpass square meter or hector. It’s infinite, super huge.
On top of that it’s expanding too. Amazing isn’t it? EXPANDING.
Earth doesn’t expand. Even if it does it’s really annoying, cause your room will get further from the bathroom. It’s annoying if the bathroom is super far right?
If it takes 10 minute to walk to school freshmen year, and by the time you’re junior it takes 2 hours I think everyone would cry.
That’s why Earth doesn’t expand. You see?
But space is amazing. It doesn’t apply to space. Expanding as it wishes. How huge space is even couldn’t be confirmed in light-year term. Too amazing.
Even though I said it’s infinite, maybe it’s not. But if that’s the case
“Then what’s OUTSIDE space?”
Who knows? Amazing. To think that no one knows!
But space is super cold. About 1 kelvin. In Celsius term it’s -272 degree. Amazing. Too cold. You don’t even have time to put a mail in banana. Scary.
And there’s like super nothing. Super empty. And super relaxing.
And after all space is like all powerful. Easily come up with infinite.
On the other hand look at us, just because we couldn’t count all the number out we made it limited number using f(x) and other symbols,
But space is INFINITE. Using infinite as infinite. Awesome.
So all in all you guys, I just wanted to let you all know about how awesome space is.
So Hubble Telescope that can go space is just amazing. Go Hubble.
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