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570: 2018/04/24(火)11:39 ID:YjX9xO2C0(1/5) AAS
Maria Sk?odowska-Curie jest jedyn? kobiet?, ktora zdoby?a dwie Nagrody Nobla w dziedzinie fizyki i chemii.
Zyska?a s?aw? jako badaczka promieniotworczo?ci i odkrywczyni dwoch nowych pierwiastkow - radu i polonu. Do?wiadczenia, ktore przeprowadza?a
wraz ze swoim m??em Pierre’em Curie i ktore kontynuowa?a po jego ?mierci doprowadzi?y do powstania pierwszych metod badania wn?trza atomu. By?a najs?awniejsz? uczon? na ?wiecie, jednak nie zepsu? j?
ten fakt. Nauka by?a dla niej w ?yciu najwa?niejsza.

Urodzi?a si? w 1867 roku w Polsce, w Warszawie. By?a najm?odsz? spo?rod pi?ciorga siostr.
Nie mia?a
?atwego dzieci?stwa. Jej ojciec by? profesorem fizyki. Pomimo trudnych czasow rodzice bardzo wspierali swoje corki w zdobywaniu wiedzy. Maria, po uko?czeniu pensji w Warszawie, kontynuowa?a nauk? pocz?tkowo na nielegalnym Uniwersytecie Lataj?cym, a nast?pnie korzystaj?c z pracowni Muzeum Przemys?u
i Rolnictwa. W 1891 roku wyjecha?a do Francji, do Pary?a, gdzie wst?pi?a na Sorbon?, ktora ju? wowczas by?a jednym z czo?owych uniwersytetow ?wiata, gromadz?cym wiele s?aw naukowych i s?yn?cym z wysokiego
poziomu studiow. W 1894 roku uzyska?a stopie? magistra w dziedzinie fizyki i matematyki. W tym roku rownie? pozna?a Pierre’a (Piotra) Curie, za ktorego wysz?a za m?? w 1895 roku. Maria rozpocz??a w laboratorium m??a niezale?
ne badania nad nowym wowczas problemem radioaktywno?ci (promieniotworczo?ci), b?d?cym tematem do jej rozprawy doktorskiej. Ona jako pierwsza zmierzy?a promieniowanie znanych wowczas pierwiastkow ?
571: 2018/04/24(火)11:42 ID:YjX9xO2C0(2/5) AAS
Omar Khayyam, Arabic in full Ghiy?th al-D?n Ab? al-Fat? ?Umar ibn Ibr?h?m al-N?s?b?r? al-Khayy?m?, (born May 18, 1048, Neysh?b?r [also
spelled N?sh?p?r], Khor?s?n [now Iran]?died December 4, 1131, Neysh?b?r), Persian mathematician, astronomer, and poet, renowned in his own country and time for his scientific achievements but chiefly known to
English-speaking readers through the translation of a collection of his rob???y?t (“quatrains”) in The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (1859), by the English writer Edward FitzGerald.

His name Khayyam (“Tentmaker”) may have been derived from his father’s trade. He received a good education in th
e sciences and philosophy in his native Neysh?b?r before traveling to Samarkand (now in Uzbekistan), where he completed t
he algebra treatise, Ris?lah fi?l-bar?h?n ?al? mas??il al-jabr wa?l-muq?balah
(“Treatise on Demonstration of Problems of Algebra”), on which his mathematical reputation principally rests. In this treatise he gave a systematic discussion of the
solution of cubic equations by means of intersecting conic sections. Perhaps it was in the context of this work that he discovered how to extend Abu al-Waf?’s results on the extraction of cube and fourth
roots to the extraction of nth roots of numbers for arbitrary whole numbers n.

He made such a name for himself that the Seljuq sultan Malik-Sh?h invited him to E?fah?n to undertake the astronomical observations necessary for the reform of the calendar. (See The Western calendar and calendar
572: 2018/04/24(火)11:42 ID:YjX9xO2C0(3/5) AAS
I went to the hospital due to back pain, and they put me on a water bed kind of thing.
The thing that fix your back by vibrating.
The strength of the vibration have 3 setting, “strong” “medium” and “weak”,
I started off with “weak” but couldn’t feel a thing.
So I said to the nurse “I can’t feel anything”
She reply “Then I’ll set it to medium, if there anything else just use the call button.”
And she left after saying that.
After a while, I still don’t feel the vibration
I press the button and call the nurse over
“I’ll set it to strong then.”
573: 2018/04/24(火)11:43 ID:YjX9xO2C0(4/5) AAS
This one time I was in a car with 3 of my friend.
The car we were in was a modified one, where in a normal car all seats face the front.
This seats in this car and turn around, so everyone can be facing each other
Since we were all friend so why not sit together, so my friend turn the seat around,
And the some guy holding up a news paper also got turned since he was in the same seat.
So my friend turn the chair back,
And the guy was turned around again.
574: 2018/04/24(火)11:44 ID:YjX9xO2C0(5/5) AAS
When your mom walk in on you watching prom,
You said “What are they making!? Children~!! Correct~!!”
While trying to pass it off as a joke, mom reply
“I’m sorry I could only make someone like you”

You guys make FOREX too hard
The stock is very mechanic, as long as the loss-cut is -2% and profit taking is 4% then it’s fine
Using this simple rule, I made my $820,000 profile into $140,000

You won’t get good result on that…
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