有言実行三姉妹シュシュトリアン (519レス)
有言実行三姉妹シュシュトリアン http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/
470: 名無しより愛をこめて [sage] 2018/04/10(火) 18:53:57 ID:EJLYPZXC0 >>458 ,. - ─── - 、 / , `ヽ. /〃//,. ,ィl/|l ト、 !、 、 ヽ ー'´| | l |1 | !l. l| ! | l.|ヽ ! !、 ', おじちゃん 平日の真昼間に YレV!ヒエ「! |l.「_ト!Ll」| l l l どうしてはたらかないの? ! lハイJ | ´|_jヽ. リ,! ! l. l | |l |l.} ー , L _,ハl.lトl l. | l |l ilト、 n '' ,1l|ィ| |l l | _ 二,ニ^tュ--ェ_t1」l.|l !リ|_lノ r7´ f r┐| 〔/ミヽ>,-、 ̄´ Y ー个‐'t ハ-、_'ゝ、 ヽ ._・ rく ̄ヽト-'丿 ヽ l / (・__,)ゝi┬'´ハ` '`| |ヽ, イ ノ┴くヽヽ、 / `´ ゝ┬ヘ`ヽ | `ー‐1 ゝノ-‐^ー'一''丶 ヽ ヽ ト、_ `ーァ'¨不ヽ | | 「 ̄「 ̄l ̄ト、,イトヒi′ l l. l l ! !└' l | └ L 」_,|__l_l.__L.l′ | | | | l l ! ! l l. l l ト--┤ !--‐1 f‐t央j. ト央ァヘ | 甘l、 / 甘 | l ,.-‐ヽ レ'⌒ヽ/ `く.__ ノ ゝ--‐′ http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/470
471: 名無しより愛をこめて [sage] 2018/04/10(火) 18:54:23 ID:EJLYPZXC0 >>459 ,. - ─── - 、 / , `ヽ. /〃//,. ,ィl/|l ト、 !、 、 ヽ ー'´| | l |1 | !l. l| ! | l.|ヽ ! !、 ', おじちゃん 平日の真昼間に YレV!ヒエ「! |l.「_ト!Ll」| l l l どうしてはたらかないの? ! lハイJ | ´|_jヽ. リ,! ! l. l | |l |l.} ー , L _,ハl.lトl l. | l |l ilト、 n '' ,1l|ィ| |l l | _ 二,ニ^tュ--ェ_t1」l.|l !リ|_lノ r7´ f r┐| 〔/ミヽ>,-、 ̄´ Y ー个‐'t ハ-、_'ゝ、 ヽ ._・ rく ̄ヽト-'丿 ヽ l / (・__,)ゝi┬'´ハ` '`| |ヽ, イ ノ┴くヽヽ、 / `´ ゝ┬ヘ`ヽ | `ー‐1 ゝノ-‐^ー'一''丶 ヽ ヽ ト、_ `ーァ'¨不ヽ | | 「 ̄「 ̄l ̄ト、,イトヒi′ l l. l l ! !└' l | └ L 」_,|__l_l.__L.l′ | | | | l l ! ! l l. l l ト--┤ !--‐1 f‐t央j. ト央ァヘ | 甘l、 / 甘 | l ,.-‐ヽ レ'⌒ヽ/ `く.__ ノ ゝ--‐′ http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/471
472: 名無しより愛をこめて [] 2018/04/10(火) 20:31:24 ID:cqg0/w7V0 === http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/472
473: 名無しより愛をこめて [] 2018/04/11(水) 00:23:17 ID:kyqkoPhw0 グリコカフェオーレのCMで石橋さんをみた 石橋さんももう子持ちの母親役やる年なんだな… http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/473
474: 名無しより愛をこめて [sage] 2018/04/11(水) 00:23:41 ID:raFKPWdA0 === http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/474
475: 名無しより愛をこめて [sage] 2018/04/11(水) 00:26:26 ID:8ns9FBq90 >>473 フライドチキン男と夫婦役をやったこともあるんだぜ http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/475
476: 名無しより愛をこめて [sage] 2018/04/11(水) 00:27:17 ID:raFKPWdA0 === http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/476
477: 名無しより愛をこめて [sage] 2018/04/11(水) 06:06:37 ID:VdzpMoge0 /::::)(:::)(:::::::::::)(::::::^::::::::::\ (::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::\ /::::::::::/ノ::::::::ノ::::::::ヽ:人::::::::::ヽ:::::::::::::::) (::::::::::/ ):::ノ::::ノ ) ソ ヾ::::::::::::丶::::ヽ (:::::::::/ 彡 ノ ノ :: 彡:/)) ::::::::::) (::::::::::/彡彡彡彡彡 ミミミミミミミ :::::::::::) ( :::::::// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ===/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ |:::::::::) | =ロ -=・=- ‖ ‖ -=・=- ロ=== |:/ ‖ / /ノ ヽ \ ‖ ヽ|ヽ _________ |/ ヽ`======/ .⌒ ` ========ノ. ..| | / .( 。 ・:・‘。c .(● ●) ;”・u。*@・:、‘)ノ / ( 。;・0”*・o; / :::::l l::: ::: \ :。・;%:・。o ) < フライドチキン男と夫婦役をやったこともあるんだぜ (; 8@ ・。:// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\:\.”・:。;・’0.) \ .\。・:%,: )::::|.  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | ::::(: o`*:c /.. \_________ \ ::: o :::::::::\____/ :::::::::: / (ヽ ヽ:::: _- ::::: ⌒:: :::::::: -_ ノ \丶\_::_:::::_:::: :::::_/:::: / | \ \ ::::::::::: :::::::::: ::: ::__/ |  ̄ ̄\ 丶  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ / ̄ ̄ http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/477
478: 名無しより愛をこめて [sage] 2018/04/11(水) 06:07:08 ID:VdzpMoge0 フライドチキン男と夫婦役をやったこともあるんだぜ ______ ___________ V _____ /::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ _ /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ /  ̄  ̄ \ |:::::::::::::::::|_|_|_|_| /、 ヽ はぁ?黙ってろデブw |;;;;;;;;;;ノ \,, ,,/ ヽ |・ |―-、 | |::( 6 ー─◎─◎ ) q -´ 二 ヽ | |ノ (∵∴ ( o o)∴) ノ_ ー | | /| < ∵ 3 ∵> \. ̄` | / ::::::\ ヽ ノ\ O===== | :::::::::::::\_____ノ:::::::::::\ / | http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/478
479: 名無しより愛をこめて [sage] 2018/04/11(水) 06:07:17 ID:VdzpMoge0 フライドチキン男と夫婦役をやったこともあるんだぜ ______ ___________ V _____ /::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ _ /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ /  ̄  ̄ \ |:::::::::::::::::|_|_|_|_| /、 ヽ はぁ?黙ってろデブw |;;;;;;;;;;ノ \,, ,,/ ヽ |・ |―-、 | |::( 6 ー─◎─◎ ) q -´ 二 ヽ | |ノ (∵∴ ( o o)∴) ノ_ ー | | /| < ∵ 3 ∵> \. ̄` | / ::::::\ ヽ ノ\ O===== | :::::::::::::\_____ノ:::::::::::\ / | http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/479
480: 名無しより愛をこめて [sage] 2018/04/11(水) 06:07:41 ID:VdzpMoge0 === ______ ___________ V _____ /::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ _ /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ /  ̄  ̄ \ |:::::::::::::::::|_|_|_|_| /、 ヽ はぁ?黙ってろデブw |;;;;;;;;;;ノ \,, ,,/ ヽ |・ |―-、 | |::( 6 ー─◎─◎ ) q -´ 二 ヽ | |ノ (∵∴ ( o o)∴) ノ_ ー | | /| < ∵ 3 ∵> \. ̄` | / ::::::\ ヽ ノ\ O===== | :::::::::::::\_____ノ:::::::::::\ / | http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/480
481: 名無しより愛をこめて [] 2018/04/11(水) 06:10:45 ID:raFKPWdA0 === http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/481
482: 名無しより愛をこめて [sage] 2018/04/11(水) 06:17:42 ID:SgfraaPL0 >>473 >>475 /'''''ヽ /ヽ |'''''''ヽ _ / / | ヽ .| ィ \ '''''‐‐-────── ヽ / / \ ヽ l───┘ .└───‐ヽ \ _ .\ / / \/ | ┌──────┐ )  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ / |  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄'\ へ .|,,,.ノ | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| |/ / / .| i‐‐‐───‐''''| | | \  ̄ ̄| | ̄ ̄ / / | .| | .| \ ヽ | ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ / / |  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | \ノ | | ̄│ .| ̄ ̄| | / / | .i‐‐‐───‐''''| | |  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ | / / | .| .| .| /\ | | ̄│ .| ̄ ̄| .| ./ / | . ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | / / .|  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ | / / | .!‐‐‐‐───''''| .| ./ ./  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ / / ./| | .| .| .| ./ ./ /\ ( \ | | / | .| . ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ .| / / / / ヽ \ | ヽ───────┘ | ゝ、______,,,,,,,,,.ノ ゝ、/ /_/ \_ \ \___________,,,. ._,,,,,,。,,、 广'x、 ,,、._ 」'゙''i、 ,,,,,_.,,,,、广゚┐ .,,,v―冖"~゛ ゙'i、 .ト ,|,_ riゃ .} .,i´ '冖i、 .] ` f゙,l° ,i´ .゙l_ .y-┐ 'や'゙"゙’ _,,,vr" .゙ト.゙'x,,,,广 ィ・'''゙~ .._,,v・゚ヒ''''・x、 入、rУ ,iレ-v,,,、 .,r°."'''l゙ ,|√゙゚'i、 匸 ._ .y・'゙゚,,,v―-, .:゚ーa .√ ._,rll_ :} .,r''y|゛゙゙l..,i´ ,i"゙l, .゙ト ,r°,,, .., ._,,vぐ .`√ .,i´l广._,,,,,,,,i´ ,,i´ ,i´ ,「 .:| .~''''″ .r″ .|゙l、 “ .,i″.yi入-イ il∠i、.` .,メ| | 」'ト .,,i´ .,i´ ,, ̄ .[ .,i´.,,,,,,! .]_ .゙l_,i´,レ .'?,,,,レ ~''┐ .,r°.,i´.| .| ,l゙ :゙l、 ,,i´ ,i´ l゜.゚L__ .:―ヤ゚″_ :~''=、 .,r″.,x=,, .,i´ ,x'".,,x'″ .゙l、 ゙冖''″ .] | .,i´ .゙l, .~1 .゚L '゙〃 ,n, .,,} .,l彡'''″ .゙~"''''''''''"゜ .テ''~゛ .:゚'―---―・° ―″ .~''¬―'″ .:゚=_,r http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/482
483: 名無しより愛をこめて [sage] 2018/04/11(水) 06:18:50 ID:raFKPWdA0 === http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/483
484: 名無しより愛をこめて [sage] 2018/04/11(水) 14:29:26 ID:QrNpQXsNH I went to the hospital due to back pain, and they put me on a water bed kind of thing. The thing that fix your back by vibrating. The strength of the vibration have 3 setting, “strong” “medium” and “weak”, I started off with “weak” but couldn’t feel a thing. So I said to the nurse “I can’t feel anything” She reply “Then I’ll set it to medium, if there anything else just use the call button.” And she left after saying that. After a while, I still don’t feel the vibration I press the button and call the nurse over “I’ll set it to strong then.” And she sets it to “strong.” The strangest thing, I still couldn’t feel a thing, then I look to my side, The old man right next to me is vibrating like crazy. This one time I was in a car with 3 of my friend. The car we were in was a modified one, where in a normal car all seats face the front. This seats in this car and turn around, so everyone can be facing each other Since we were all friend so why not sit together, so my friend turn the seat around, And the some guy holding up a news paper also got turned since he was in the same seat. So my friend turn the chair back, And the guy was turned around again. When your mom walk in on you watching prom, You said “What are they making!? Children~!! Correct~!!” While trying to pass it off as a joke, mom reply “I’m sorry I could only make someone like you” You guys make FOREX too hard The stock is very mechanic, as long as the loss-cut is -2% and profit taking is 4% then it’s fine Using this simple rule, I made my $820,000 profile into $140,000 You won’t get good result on that… Make the loss-cut is -5% and profit taking is 5% With this I made my $400,000 into $12,000 Tomorrow is finally the National Center Test for University Admissions! I’m so nervous right now… Anyone taking the test should be resting for the big day tomorrow right? I’ve seen the exams bulletin It seems that there will be testing today and tomorrow… I told my parent and they cry at me. Got mad at me. Hit me. I called the teacher and they yelled at me, and told me to come to school right now. Even if I go now……it’s kind of too late, huh? 2 days ago me and 2 of my friend went to a family restaurant It was busy so we wrote our name on the wait list After a while, the waitress called out “Party for 3 F,Frieza?” I whispered to my friend “There’s always someone doing this,” And then the other friend stood up, and said “It’s time! Let’s go! Zarbon, Dodoria!!” http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/484
485: 名無しより愛をこめて [sage] 2018/04/11(水) 14:30:00 ID:QrNpQXsNH I went to the hospital due to back pain, and they put me on a water bed kind of thing. The thing that fix your back by vibrating. The strength of the vibration have 3 setting, “strong” “medium” and “weak”, I started off with “weak” but couldn’t feel a thing. So I said to the nurse “I can’t feel anything” She reply “Then I’ll set it to medium, if there anything else just use the call button.” And she left after saying that. After a while, I still don’t feel the vibration I press the button and call the nurse over “I’ll set it to strong then.” And she sets it to “strong.” The strangest thing, I still couldn’t feel a thing, then I look to my side, The old man right next to me is vibrating like crazy. This one time I was in a car with 3 of my friend. The car we were in was a modified one, where in a normal car all seats face the front. This seats in this car and turn around, so everyone can be facing each other Since we were all friend so why not sit together, so my friend turn the seat around, And the some guy holding up a news paper also got turned since he was in the same seat. So my friend turn the chair back, And the guy was turned around again. When your mom walk in on you watching prom, You said “What are they making!? Children~!! Correct~!!” While trying to pass it off as a joke, mom reply “I’m sorry I could only make someone like you” You guys make FOREX too hard The stock is very mechanic, as long as the loss-cut is -2% and profit taking is 4% then it’s fine Using this simple rule, I made my $820,000 profile into $140,000 You won’t get good result on that… Make the loss-cut is -5% and profit taking is 5% With this I made my $400,000 into $12,000 Tomorrow is finally the National Center Test for University Admissions! I’m so nervous right now… Anyone taking the test should be resting for the big day tomorrow right? I’ve seen the exams bulletin It seems that there will be testing today and tomorrow… I told my parent and they cry at me. Got mad at me. Hit me. I called the teacher and they yelled at me, and told me to come to school right now. Even if I go now……it’s kind of too late, huh? 2 days ago me and 2 of my friend went to a family restaurant It was busy so we wrote our name on the wait list After a while, the waitress called out “Party for 3 F,Frieza?” I whispered to my friend “There’s always someone doing this,” And then the other friend stood up, and said “It’s time! Let’s go! Zarbon, Dodoria!!” http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/485
486: 名無しより愛をこめて [sage] 2018/04/11(水) 14:31:35 ID:QrNpQXsNH Omar Khayyam, Arabic in full Ghiy?th al-D?n Ab? al-Fat? ?Umar ibn Ibr?h?m al-N?s?b?r? al-Khayy?m?, (born May 18, 1048, Neysh?b?r [also spelled N?sh?p?r], Khor?s?n [now Iran]?died December 4, 1131, Neysh?b?r), Persian mathematician, astronomer, and poet, renowned in his own country and time for his scientific achievements but chiefly known to English-speaking readers through the translation of a collection of his rob???y?t (“quatrains”) in The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (1859), by the English writer Edward FitzGerald. His name Khayyam (“Tentmaker”) may have been derived from his father’s trade. He received a good education in th e sciences and philosophy in his native Neysh?b?r before traveling to Samarkand (now in Uzbekistan), where he completed t he algebra treatise, Ris?lah fi?l-bar?h?n ?al? mas??il al-jabr wa?l-muq?balah (“Treatise on Demonstration of Problems of Algebra”), on which his mathematical reputation principally rests. In this treatise he gave a systematic discussion of the solution of cubic equations by means of intersecting conic sections. Perhaps it was in the context of this work that he discovered how to extend Abu al-Waf?’s results on the extraction of cube and fourth roots to the extraction of nth roots of numbers for arbitrary whole numbers n. He made such a name for himself that the Seljuq sultan Malik-Sh?h invited him to E?fah?n to undertake the astronomical observations necessary for the reform of the calendar. (See The Western calendar and calendar reforms.) To accomplish this an observatory was built there, and a new calendar was produced, known as the Jal?l? calendar. Based on making 8 of every 33 years leap years, it was more accurate than the present Gregorian calendar, and it was adopted in 1075 by Malik-Sh?h. In E?fah?n he also produced fundamental critiques of Euclid’s theory of parallels as well as his theory of proportion. In connection with the former his ideas eventually made their way to Europe, where they influenced the English mathematician John Wallis (1616?1703); in connection with the latter he argued for the important idea of enlarging the notion of number to include ratios of magnitudes (and hence such irrational numbers as Square root of√2 and π). His years in E?fah?n were very productive ones, but after the death of his patron in 1092 the sultan’ s widow turned against him, and soon thereafter Omar went on a pilgrimage to Mecca. He then returned to Neysh?b?r where he taught and served the court as an astrologer. Philosophy, jurisprudence, history, mathematics, medicine, and astronomy are among the subjects mastered by this brilliant man. Omar’s fame in the West rests upon the collection of rob???y?t, or “quatrains,” attributed to him. (A quatrain is a piece of verse complete in four lines, usually rhyming aaaa or aaba; it is close in style and spirit to the epigram.) Omar’s poems had attracted comparatively little attention until they inspired FitzGerald to write his celebrated The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, containing such now-famous phrases as “A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread?and Thou,” “Take the Cash, and let the Credit go,” and “The Flower that once has blown forever dies.” These quatrains have been translated into almost every major language and are largely responsible for colouring European ideas about Persian poetry. Some scholars have doubted that Omar wrote poetry. His contemporaries took no notice of his verse, and not until two centuries after his death did a few quatrains appear under his name. Even then, the verses were mostly used as quotations against particular views ostensibly held by Omar, leading some scholars to suspect that they may have been invented and attributed to Omar because of his scholarly reputation. Each of Omar’s quatrains forms a complete poem in itself. It was FitzGerald who conceived the idea of http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/486
487: 名無しより愛をこめて [sage] 2018/04/11(水) 14:32:10 ID:QrNpQXsNH Maria Sk?odowska-Curie jest jedyn? kobiet?, ktora zdoby?a dwie Nagrody Nobla w dziedzinie fizyki i chemii. Zyska?a s?aw? jako badaczka promieniotworczo?ci i odkrywczyni dwoch nowych pierwiastkow - radu i polonu. Do?wiadczenia, ktore przeprowadza?a wraz ze swoim m??em Pierre’em Curie i ktore kontynuowa?a po jego ?mierci doprowadzi?y do powstania pierwszych metod badania wn?trza atomu. By?a najs?awniejsz? uczon? na ?wiecie, jednak nie zepsu? j? ten fakt. Nauka by?a dla niej w ?yciu najwa?niejsza. Urodzi?a si? w 1867 roku w Polsce, w Warszawie. By?a najm?odsz? spo?rod pi?ciorga siostr. Nie mia?a ?atwego dzieci?stwa. Jej ojciec by? profesorem fizyki. Pomimo trudnych czasow rodzice bardzo wspierali swoje corki w zdobywaniu wiedzy. Maria, po uko?czeniu pensji w Warszawie, kontynuowa?a nauk? pocz?tkowo na nielegalnym Uniwersytecie Lataj?cym, a nast?pnie korzystaj?c z pracowni Muzeum Przemys?u i Rolnictwa. W 1891 roku wyjecha?a do Francji, do Pary?a, gdzie wst?pi?a na Sorbon?, ktora ju? wowczas by?a jednym z czo?owych uniwersytetow ?wiata, gromadz?cym wiele s?aw naukowych i s?yn?cym z wysokiego poziomu studiow. W 1894 roku uzyska?a stopie? magistra w dziedzinie fizyki i matematyki. W tym roku rownie? pozna?a Pierre’a (Piotra) Curie, za ktorego wysz?a za m?? w 1895 roku. Maria rozpocz??a w laboratorium m??a niezale? ne badania nad nowym wowczas problemem radioaktywno?ci (promieniotworczo?ci), b?d?cym tematem do jej rozprawy doktorskiej. Ona jako pierwsza zmierzy?a promieniowanie znanych wowczas pierwiastkow ? uranu i toru, dochodz?c do wniosku, ?e promieniowanie to zachodzi wewn?trz atomow. Kontynuuj?c badania A. Henri’ego Becquerela nad luminescencj? soli uranu w 1896 roku napisa?a prac? pod tytu?em ?O promieniowaniu wysy?anym przez zwi?zki uranu i toru”, w ktorej wysun??a pogl?d o a tomowym charakterze promieniotworczo?ci. To odkrycie zrewolucjonizowa?o owczesn? fizyk? i skierowa?o zainteresowania uczonych na badania nad wn?trzem atomow. Podczas systematycznych bada? promieniotworczych minera?ow zawieraj?cych uran i t or Maria Sk?odowska-Curie stwierdzi?a, ?e niektore z nich wykazuj? wi?ksz? aktywno?? promieniotworcz?, ni? by to wynika?o z zawarto?ci w nich uranu i toru. W wyniku tych prac wyrazi?a przypuszczenie, ?e minera?y te zawieraj? silniejsze, od dotychczas znanych, pierwiastki promieniotworcze. Dalsze badania prowadzone wspolnie z m??em P. Curie, doprowadzi?y do odkrycia w 1898 roku dwoch nowych pierwiastkow radioaktywnych pochodz?cych od uranu ? polonu i radu. Oba te pierwiastki znalaz?y po?niej szerokie zastosowanie, m. in. w medycynie. Polon stosowany jest np. jako ?rod?o cz?stek alfa oraz w mieszaninie z berylem jako ?rod?o neutronow, a tak?e jako aktywator fosforow w lampach luminescencyjnych. Ponadto znalaz? on zastosowanie w generowaniu pol elektrostatycznych w ma?ych przeno?nych ?rod?ach pr?du, na przyk?ad takich, ktorych w medycynie u?ywa si? do zasilania serca. Rad jest pierwiastkiem, ktorego niewielka cz?steczka mo?e przez wiele lat emitowa? ciep?o i ?wiat?o. Jest http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/487
488: 名無しより愛をこめて [] 2018/04/11(水) 16:51:06 ID:raFKPWdA0 === http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/488
489: 名無しより愛をこめて [sage] 2018/04/17(火) 12:24:36 ID:IbgBNr2s0 第33話「妖怪・米ツキバッタ!」 脚本:大原清秀 監督:岩原直樹 荒木、加納、篠山はパチンコ屋の前で、「出血大サービス いらっしゃいませ」の看板を持っておじぎする人形を見つける 3人は人形が人間かどうか調べる。反応がないので人形だと思って、3人は去ろうとする。人形は3人に「待ちな」と言って、米ツキバッタの正体を現す 米ツキバッタは左手にオジギソウの鉢植えを出して、鉢植えを光らせる。月子と花子がパチンコ屋の前を通る。荒木達が看板を持っておじぎをしている 月子がホースで荒木達に水をかけるが、荒木達はおじぎをし続ける。花子はパチンコの玉を荒木の鼻の穴につめるが、荒木達はおじぎをし続ける フライドチキン男がパチンコ屋から出てくる。月子と花子に天ざるを奢らせながら、フライドチキン男は一部始終を話す。米ツキバッタの仕業 米ツキバッタはやたら人におじぎをさせたがる。米ツキバッタは手にオジギソウを持っていて、オジギソウの光を見た者はおじぎをしたくなる お酉様からの指令は米ツキバッタを退治すること。米ツキバッタに襲われやすい人間は、礼儀知らず・威張り腐った人間 米ツキバッタに襲われたら、頭さえ下げれば勘弁してくれる。花子は、米ツキバッタはいい妖怪だと思って、お酉様からの指令を聞かない 花子はビルの屋上から米ツキバッタを呼ぶ。屋上に米ツキバッタが現れる。花子は荒木達を勘弁してくれるように頼む 米ツキバッタは、荒木達は将来サラリーマンになるなら、おじき人形と変わらないので放っておけと言う 米ツキバッタは、花子がおじぎをしないので花子をおじぎ人形にしようとする。花子は、もっと生意気で威張っている人からおじぎ人形にしろと言う 花子は、代議士の山縣博文(ヤマガタヒロブミ)の名前を挙げる。米ツキバッタは、代議士を土下座させる 花子は代議士をデパート?の入口に連れて行き、客に土下座させる。米ツキバッタは、花子に先祖の系図を見せる 米ツキバッタの先祖は2000年前より代々、日本武尊、菅原道真、水戸黄門などに頭を下げて生きてきた。米ツキバッタがおじぎをするのは、先祖の遺伝 米ツキバッタの先祖代々の墓はおじぎをするように傾いており、周りはオジギソウばかり 米ツキバッタはパチンコ屋の客寄せの人形で、パチンコ屋の客に頭を叩かれた 米ツキバッタは先祖と自分の恨みを晴らすため、世の中の人達をおじぎさせるため妖怪となった。米ツキバッタは、花子におじぎをさせようとする 花子は逃げて、米ツキバッタは追う 山吹家では、恵が買ってきた水飲み鳥を見て、英三郎はぺこぺこしている自分を思い出して嫌になる。花子はシュシュコロンで阿波踊りの踊り子に変身する 花子は米ツキバッタの追跡をかわして帰宅する。雪子と月子が、英三郎と恵の様子が変だと言う。英三郎は殿様に、恵は腰元になって殿様ごっこをしてた 米ツキバッタが現れて、英三郎をおじぎ人形にする。恵が抗議したので、米ツキバッタは恵もおじぎ人形にする 米ツキバッタは三姉妹もおじぎ人形にしようとする。三姉妹はオジギソウの光を手で防いで外に逃げる。米ツキバッタは追う 米ツキバッタは、たくさんの人間におじぎをさせて世の中で一番偉い人になりたい。三姉妹はシュシュトリアンに変身して名乗りをあげる 雪子、月子、花子『古人曰く、天は人の上に人を作らず、人の下に人を作らず』。シュシュトリアンはオジギソウからの光をかわす。鉄パイプが曲がる シュシュトリアンは、オジギソウからの光をアイマスクで防ぐ。米ツキバッタは、目の見えないシュシュトリアンを殴って蹴る シュシュトリアンは心眼を見開き力を合わせて、シュシュファイナルを放つ。オジギソウは煙を出す。花子は、米ツキバッタが人に頭を下げさせれば、 威張り散らす男に自分がなるだけだと言う。雪子は、人に頭を下げないでも済む、また人に頭を下げさせないで済む世界へ行くように言う そんな場所は地上にはないので、米ツキバッタは妖怪の世界に戻る。荒木達3人は元に戻る。英三郎、恵は元に戻るが、おじぎのしすぎで肩や腰を痛める 花子は水飲み鳥の前のコップをどけて、水飲み鳥を休ませる http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/sfx/1513858980/489
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