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29(2): 2016/04/01(金)19:30 ID:5k9oIbHW(3/10) AAS
前スレで中座していた就寝前のraw honey + MCTオイルの件を補足しておく。
The Bulletproof Perspective on “Safe Starches”
Bulletproof Starch - It’s all about the timing
My starch recommendations are more fully explained in the upcoming Bulletproof Diet v 3.0 in the next few weeks, but my approach to starch and even fructose differs significantly from these other experts.
I believe that having starch constantly present on a daily basis is a bad idea because it will feed bacteria in your gut, and even if you take probiotics, your gut biome is almost hopelessly jacked compared to the way it should be.
The things we’ve done to the planet’s bacterial ecosystem by using antibiotics and fungicides have come back to haunt our gut bacteria.
I also fully comprehend the cognitive and biological benefits of ketosis and eating starch on a daily basis doesn’t lend itself to being in this important fat burning metabolic state.
That’s why I recommend you eat a moderate amount of starch, about 100-150 g, every 3 to 7 days.
I recommend you eat it in the evening before bed because it will improve your sleep quality by creating glycogen which your brain will use.
This will effectively cycle your body in and out of ketosis, avoid overfeeding gut bacteria you don’t want, and provide raw materials for forming tears and mucus.
I also recommend that, on zero starch days, you consume up to 1 tablespoon of raw honey before bed along with MCT oil.
Raw honey forms liver glycogen preferentially compared to other forms of sugar, and liver glycogen fuels the brain better than muscle glycogen.
Some people don’t need to do this, but if your sleep quality improves, it’s an easy biohack that doesn’t take you out of ketosis thanks to the wonderful powers of MCT oil.
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