[過去ログ] 【アメダス】今日の降水量すごいぞ!55【テレメータ】 (1002レス)
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680: 2023/05/28(日)08:43 ID:MDGkwZXG(1) AAS
Do you want to hear stories before 2019 in 2022/2023? Do not be silly! In the fall of 2019, I promised I wouldn't talk about lingering summer heat or heatwaves anymore, but I haven't said anything about it, but I've been told the same thing over and over again. I'll lock you in my freezer If you want to blame me for the heat wave so much, I won't accept the heat wave story anymore.
You don't want to do it for someone who keeps saying the same thing over and over again, right? As soon as I told someone who had nothing to do with me, I had 0 intentions, so I won't apologize for assaulting the person who made me the villain of the heat wave. I don't care about heat waves. What's more, if you hide yourself from people and reflect on the story before 2019, it doesn't matter anymore. It's not something you teach someone you don't care about. I hate apologizing over and over again for things I apologized once in 2019. Moreover, I don't like the silly idea of being a perpetrator of heat stroke or something like that.
Even so, if the heat wave caused people to die of heat stroke and apologized for it, I'll cool them down in a freezer to the point where they could die. I'm not happy at all even if I talk about such a heat wave. Moreover, ejaculation and temperature have nothing to do with each other. I can't apologize for anything other than this. Because it doesn't matter if you didn't wish for someone's death. I don't apologize for oppeke.
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