[過去ログ] 【UMPC】Gemini PDA/Cosmo Communicater【5.99インチ】 14台目 (1002レス)

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(1): (ワキゲー MM9f-M947 []) 2019/10/29(火)10:02 ID:0FnDLNIBM(1) AAS
Revised production schedule We know that everybody is eagerly awaiting their Cosmo perks and wants to know the final shipping schedule.
Here is the new schedule... Many backers will see their contributions locked on the Indiegogo portal and Cosmo perks shipped next week.
We expect to send out about 1500 Cosmo perks next week (Cosmo that have been produced this week),
followed by continued production and worldwide shipping of all Cosmo perks until mid November.
Our factory now expects all Cosmo perks to be produced by the 12th of November
- to complete the full 4000 Cosmo unit production.
Because Cosmo perks have 24 different keyboard layouts, 3 different PCB options and 4 different power charger options we are not going into more detail here,
but, suffice to say, there are a lot of configurations to take care of during the next fortnight.
We hope that there are no further surprises that will affect the shipping schedule.
We thank you for your patience and we trust that you will be delighted when you receive your Cosmo perk. 
あと 158 レスあります
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