[過去ログ] Monkey's Audio part4 (1002レス)

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6: 2006/01/12(木)15:21 ID:9h/SDRW80(1) AAS
Version 4.01 (January 8, 2006)

1. NEW: Features new user interface. (written in C++ and threaded for dual-core computers -- making it nearly twice as fast to compress, decompress, and convert with a dual-core setup)
2. NEW: New interface supports external codecs using simple XML configuration scripts.
3. Changed: MACDll.dll is unified to include SDK, Winamp, and CoolEdit support in one component.
4. Fixed: Corrupt / invalid APEv2 tags could cause problems in some cases.
5. Fixed: APL creation could use track boundaries that were off by 1/44100th of a second in some cases.
6. Fixed: APL creation would not properly report errors when the CUE file didn't point to an existing APE file.
7. Fixed: In very rare cases, decoding an old APE file could cause an invalid decompression error.
8. Fixed: When converting from APE -> APE, the APEv2 tag could get appended as WAV data to the new file. (instead of as a file tag)
あと 996 レスあります
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