[過去ログ] DSP/Effect 音楽、動画を好みの音にして遊ぶスレ 2 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (459レス)
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313: (ワッチョイ 2019/06/14(金)13:55 ID:AMEIU1xJ0(1) AAS
Equalizer APO Version 1.2.1
Added: Logical operator "not" to expression language (see e.g. If and Eval commands).
Fixed: Channel "SUB" is now correctly called "LFE". The name "SUB" is still supported for compatibility with existing configurations.
Improved: Shelving filters (LS(C), HS(C)) can now also use Q instead of slope.
Added: Voicemeeter Potato support
Improved: Device strings like "Output A5" no longer accidentally match GUIDs. Now, only strings containing { will match GUIDs.
Improved: Tabs can be closed by middle click in the Configuration Editor. Ctrl+A can be used to select all rows.
Fixed: When a line was edited manually in the Configuration Editor, the file was not saved automatically when "Instant mode" was enabled.
あと 146 レスあります
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル
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