詐欺師バシャールのセミナーで儲けた奴集まれ! (1002レス)
詐欺師バシャールのセミナーで儲けた奴集まれ! http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/
298: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/16(日) 10:04:25.62 ID:36+IvWxJ エイリアンくんたち 人間を拉致誘拐して謝罪しないのかな? エイリアンくんたち 人間を拉致誘拐しては、捕食してるって 本当ですか? エイリアンくんたち 北米の子どもたちを拉致誘拐しては 生きたまま食いちぎって生きてるらしいですね本当ですか? エイリアンくんたち 動物虐殺して牧場主に謝罪しないの? ねえ エイリアンみつけたら 金属バットで殺してやるから 覚悟しとけや エイリアンども http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/298
299: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/16(日) 17:54:13.64 ID:36+IvWxJ エイリアンくんたち、 朝鮮人なら全員拉致誘拐して 構わないよ http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/299
300: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/17(月) 12:38:45.99 ID:XGFqVncQ Nao Tōyama、Super Idol、1992.3.11、tsunami,Anime 1935.5.15 Nao Tōyama (東山 奈央, 悠木碧Tōyama Nao, born March 11, 1992) is a Japanese voice actress and singer affiliated with the agency Intention.Before joining Intention, she was affiliated with Arts Vision.She debuted as a voice actress in 2010, and played her first leading role as Kanon Nakagawa in The World God Only Knows. She is also
known for her roles as Chitoge Kirisaki in Nisekoi, Yui Yuigahama in My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected, Tomoe Koga in Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, Karen Kujō in Kin-iro Mosaic, and Rin Shima in Laid-Back Camp. In 2019, she won the Best Supporting Actress Award with Yū Serizawa and the Game Award in the 13th http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/300
301: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/17(月) 12:40:44.96 ID:XGFqVncQ Nao Tōyama、Super Idol、1992.3.11、tsunami,Anime 1935.5.15 Nao Tōyama (東山 奈央, 悠木碧、早見沙織、水瀬いのり、花澤香菜Tōyama Nao, born March 11, 1992) is a Japanese voice actress and singer affiliated with the agency Intention.Before joining Intention, she was affiliated with Arts Vision.She debuted as a voice actress in 2010, and played her first leading role as Kanon Nakagawa in The W
orld God Only Knows. She is also known for her roles as Chitoge Kirisaki in Nisekoi, Yui Yuigahama in My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected, Tomoe Koga in Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, Karen Kujō in Kin-iro Mosaic, and Rin Shima in Laid-Back Camp. In 2019, she won the Best Supporting Actress Award with Yū Serizawa and the Game Award in the 13t http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/301
302: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/17(月) 12:43:16.64 ID:XGFqVncQ Nao Tōyama、Super Idol、1992.3.11、tsunami,Anime 1935.5.15 Nao Tōyama (東山 奈央, 悠木碧、早見沙織、水瀬いのり、花澤香菜Tōyama Nao, born March 11, 1992) is a Japanese voice actress and singer affiliated with the agency Intention.Before joining Intention, she was affiliated with Arts Vision.She debuted as a voice actress in 2010, and played her first leading role as Kanon Nakagawa in The W
orld God Only Knows. She is also known for her roles as Chitoge Kirisaki in Nisekoi, Yui Yuigahama in My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected, Tomoe Koga in Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, Karen Kujō in Kin-iro Mosaic, and Rin Shima in Laid-Back Camp. In 2019, she won the Best Supporting Actress Award with Yū Serizawa and the Game Award i http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/302
303: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/17(月) 12:43:33.70 ID:XGFqVncQ Nao Tōyama、Super Idol、1992.3.11、tsunami,Anime 1935.5.15 Nao Tōyama (東山 奈央, 悠木碧、早見沙織、水瀬いのり、花澤香菜Tōyama Nao, born March 11, 1992) is a Japanese voice actress and singer affiliated with the agency Intention.Before joining Intention, she was affiliated with Arts Vision.She debuted as a voice actress in 2010, and played her first leading role as Kanon Nakagawa in The W
orld God Only Knows. She is also known for her roles as Chitoge Kirisaki in Nisekoi, Yui Yuigahama in My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected, Tomoe Koga in Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, Karen Kujō in Kin-iro Mosaic, and Rin Shima in Laid-Back Camp. In 2019, she won the Best Supporting Actress Award with Yū Serizawa and the Game Award in the http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/303
304: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/17(月) 12:43:54.47 ID:XGFqVncQ Nao Tōyama、Super Idol、1992.3.11、tsunami,Anime 1935.5.15 Nao Tōyama (東山 奈央, 悠木碧、早見沙織、水瀬いのり、花澤香菜Tōyama Nao, born March 11, 1992) is a Japanese voice actress and singer affiliated with the agency Intention.Before joining Intention, she was affiliated with Arts Vision.She debuted as a voice actress in 2010, and played her first leading role as Kanon Nakagawa in The W
orld God Only Knows. She is also known for her roles as Chitoge Kirisaki in Nisekoi, Yui Yuigahama in My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected, Tomoe Koga in Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, Karen Kujō in Kin-iro Mosaic, and Rin Shima in Laid-Back Camp. In 2019, she won the Best Supporting Actress Award with Yū Serizawa and the Game Award in the 13th Sei http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/304
305: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/17(月) 16:58:43.21 ID:XGFqVncQ Nao Tōyama、Super Idol、1992.3.11、tsunami,Anime 1935.5.15 Nao Tōyama (東山 奈央, 悠木碧、早見沙織、水瀬いのり、花澤香菜Tōyama Nao, born March 11, 1992) is a Japanese voice actress and singer affiliated with the agency Intention.Before joining Intention, she was affiliated with Arts Vision.She debuted as a voice actress in 2010, and played her first leading role as Kanon Nakagawa in The W
orld God Only Knows. She is also known for her roles as Chitoge Kirisaki in Nisekoi, Yui Yuigahama in My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected, Tomoe Koga in Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, Karen Kujō in Kin-iro Mosaic, and Rin Shima in Laid-Back Camp. In 2019, she won the Best Supporting Actress Award with Yū Serizawa an http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/305
306: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/17(月) 16:58:57.43 ID:XGFqVncQ Nao Tōyama、Super Idol、1992.3.11、tsunami,Anime 1935.5.15 Nao Tōyama (東山 奈央, 悠木碧、早見沙織、水瀬いのり、花澤香菜Tōyama Nao, born March 11, 1992) is a Japanese voice actress and singer affiliated with the agency Intention.Before joining Intention, she was affiliated with Arts Vision.She debuted as a voice actress in 2010, and played her first leading role as Kanon Nakagawa in The W
orld God Only Knows. She is also known for her roles as Chitoge Kirisaki in Nisekoi, Yui Yuigahama in My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected, Tomoe Koga in Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, Karen Kujō in Kin-iro Mosaic, and Rin Shima in Laid-Back Camp. In 2019, she won the Best Supporting Actress Award with Yū Serizawa and the G http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/306
307: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/17(月) 17:44:54.68 ID:XGFqVncQ ッツ㍊シ'´ _ 統一教会安倍壺三 `ヾ㍊㍊ッ ミ㍊彡! :丶/|::/!!:. :. .:ミ;=`゙'ヾ㍊㍊', ㍊㍊リ ,'f r",,ゞィ_, i :. ヨ ●ヾ ',㍊㍊! ㍊㍊{ ' イ●ノ"´,:,! ' "'ーヘヽ Nlハ⊥
13130;ミリハ .: '""_,.ノ,' ,. }、 tf{´i, l| . Wリ小! .: ,ゞ・ ・'' ヽ `!) Vl ゞ干ミ} : / _J_ 丶 }'´ / r''‐, ,,..,, '、Yヾ :. ( トェェェェェェイ ) / ノ r'''''i ,ィ´゙', r‐‐,. ト、_,).ヘ i . ヾ.f'、:.:. \ェェェェ/ /l'´ .(__ノl ゝ、,イ .,r‐、 i、 i, i Li 'i''゙
ヽ._):.:.、 ,. ' l ゙U゙ ィ_/i. / f‐'゙ ` l )) トi、ヾ:.. 、 _,. イ .l `i´ )) (( r''''´ , ___ ', _,,,,,,,_ ヾ!、丶 ` ¨""´ | r -、_ ノ ´``', ノ )‐' `゙'´ ))) ゝ_,,,_ ゙ ゙', `゙'i、 日本を牛耳っている
のは俺様だああああ!!!! http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/307
308: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/17(月) 17:48:49.93 ID:XGFqVncQ /::::::::ソ::::::::: :゛'ヽ、 /:::::::-、:::i´i|::|/:::::::::::ヽ /::::::,,、ミ"ヽ` "゛ / ::::::ヽ /::::::== ガイジ `-::::::::ヽ |::::::::/ ヽ,,,)ii(,,,ノ 、l:::::::l おのれええええ下級国民ネット民めぇ!! i::::::::l゛/・\,!./・\ l:::::::! |`:::| :⌒ノ/.. i\:⌒ .|:::::i ボク朕の悪口を言いまくって許せないんだじょ!! (i ″ ,ィ____.i i i//
ヽ / l .i / ランサーズ共!ネトサポ共!やれぇぇぇぇ!!! ヽ ノil´トェェェイ`li ミ'/ ヽ !l |,r-r-| l! / ゝ. . `ニニ´ ノ_ http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/308
309: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/17(月) 17:52:06.70 ID:XGFqVncQ /::::::::ソ::::::::: :゛'ヽ、 /:::::::-、:::i´i|::|/:::::::::::::ヽ ∧ /::::::,,、ミ"ヽ` "゛ / :::::ヽ _/.:;ヽ_ /::::::== `-::::::::::ヽ | .: ;;;;;;| :::::
:::/.,,,=≡, ,≡=、、 l:::::::l / ̄ ̄ ̄Y ̄ ̄ \ | .: ;;;;;;| i:::::::l゛.,/・\,!./・\ l:::::::! l l | .: ;;;;;;| .|`:::| :⌒ノ/.. i\:⌒ .|:::::i ヽ,,,,,/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ヽノ | .: ;;;;;;| (i ″ ,ィ____.i i i // |:::::: | / .: ;;;;;;;\ ヽ / l .i i / |:::: __ __| |.:○: ;;;;;;;;;; | lヽ ノ `トェェェイヽ、 ./´ 支 ま (6
\●> <●人 | .: ;;;;;;;;;;; | |、 ヽ `ー'´ / 持 た ( ..  ̄ )・・( ̄ i n .: ;;;;;;;;;;;; | _/ ヽ ` "ー-´/.ヽ 率 北 ♪~ \ .._. ) 3( ._ 丿___ | | .: ;;;;;;;;;;;; ノ.:!:.:.:.:`ゞ-<7.:〉.:.:.:i.:.:} が の /ヽ .__二__ノ . | | つ .:AI ,,/.:.:/:.:.:.:.:.:| }-{/i.:/.:.:.:.:|.::/ 上 お / |//\__/ ヽ.// | |_ノ ミと_」.:/ !.:.:.:.:.:.:.!  ̄ リ.:.:.:.:.:り
が か (/ /。 〔__〕 / ̄ ̄ |. .: ;;;;;;;;;;;;:.| |.:.:.:.:.:./_ :__ヽ.:.:.:.:\ っ げ / |。 / |.to..USA :| \/.:.::..:.:.:.:.:.:..:\:.::./ ち で | |。 ヽ |. . : | /.:.:.:.:.:.:.「^Y.:.:.:.:.:.:.|´ ゃ |_∧_______.> |/|.:;;;;;;;| | {.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.| ,!.:.:.:.:.:.:l う http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/309
310: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/17(月) 17:55:51.21 ID:XGFqVncQ 修錬日程(日本所属) <B>清心病院精神科のご案内</B> 작성일2005-08-17 照会数10,074 ■ 清心病院・精神科クリニックの特徴 この世のすべての精神病院をなくすという強い使命感と積極的な姿勢で出発した清心(チョンシム)病院の精神科は、天恵の自然環境の中で、霊性治療を基盤とした東西医学協診の立体的診療によって、患者様自ら創造本然の人生が回復できるように助けています。 ■ 大母様の御言 「すべての精神病患者たちは100%霊的なも
のです。私たちが精神病院を造れば、みな解決できます。病院が完成すれば、肉的な病気は医師に治療してもらい、霊的な病気は天使を通じて治療しようと準備しています。霊を分立しながら、韓国や日本の精神病患者、精神病院をみななくそうと思います。」 http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/310
311: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/17(月) 19:06:17.25 ID:XGFqVncQ ダリルアンカの来日は、 何と言われても絶対にお断りします! 消え失せろハゲクソ野郎!! 内政干渉、ハゲクソ野郎!! 地獄に堕ちろクズハゲ!! 子供さえ育てなかった、 家族愛を知らないゴミ糞虫ダリルアンカ 他人の子育てとやかく言うな 死ねハゲ野郎 コロナに感染して 死ねハゲクソ野郎 http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/311
312: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/17(月) 19:07:04.22 ID:XGFqVncQ ダリルアンカの来日は、 何と言われても絶対にお断りします! 消え失せろハゲクソ野郎!! 内政干渉、ハゲクソ野郎!! 地獄に堕ちろクズハゲ!! 子供さえ育てなかった、 家族愛を知らないゴミ糞虫ダリルアンカ 他人の子育てとやかく言うな 死ねハゲ野郎 コロナに感染して 死ねハゲクソ野郎 マーキングしたやつをサイキックで 監視してんじゃねーよ、 ハゲクソ野郎、 プライバシーの侵害するな 変態ハゲクソ野郎 http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/312
313: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/17(月) 19:07:16.55 ID:XGFqVncQ ダリルアンカの来日は、 何と言われても絶対にお断りします! 消え失せろハゲクソ野郎!! 内政干渉、ハゲクソ野郎!! 地獄に堕ちろクズハゲ!! 子供さえ育てなかった、 家族愛を知らないゴミ糞虫ダリルアンカ 他人の子育てとやかく言うな 死ねハゲ野郎 コロナに感染して 死ねハゲクソ野郎 マーキングしたやつをサイキックで 監視してんじゃねーよ、 ハゲクソ野郎、 プライバシーの侵害するな 変態ハゲクソ野郎ダリルアンカ http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/16
314: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/18(火) 01:00:16.73 ID:RW3IVCdn 東山奈央 悠木碧、Aoi Yūki、1992.3.27 水瀬いのり、Inori Minase、1995.12.2 東山奈央、Tōyama Nao、1992.3.11 最強の布陣、これなら勝てる 三連単、悠木碧水瀬いのり東山奈央 WIN5、東山奈央悠木碧水瀬いのり早見沙織花澤香菜 ワルプルギスの夜 控えは、早見沙織、花澤香菜、井口裕香 内田真礼、佐倉綾音、高橋李依、久野美咲、川澄綾子、田村ゆかり aaaaaa悠木碧 水瀬いのり東山奈央 早見沙織花澤香菜 早見沙織、Saori Hayami、1991.5.27 東山奈央、Nao Hig
siyama、東山奈央、春擬き、1992.3.11、tsunami,Anime 1935.5.15.、早見沙織、 小原好美Saori Hayami、1991.5.29Nao Tōyama (東山 奈央, 悠木碧、早見沙織、水瀬いのり、花澤香菜Tōyama Nao, born March 11, 1992) is a Japanese voice actress and singer affiliated with the agency Intention.Before joining Intention, she was affiliated with Arts Vision.She debuted as a voice actress in 2010, and played her first leading role as Kanon Nakagawa in The World God Only Knows. She is a
lso known for her roles as Chitoge Kirisaki in Nisekoi, Yui Yuigahama in My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected, Tomoe Koga in Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, Karen Kujō in Kin-iro Mosaic, and Rin Shima in Laid-Back Camp. In 2019, she won the Best Supporting Actress Award with Yū Se 、東山奈央、春擬き、1992.3.11、tsunami,Anime 1935.5.15 Nao Tōyama (東山 奈央, 悠木碧、早見沙織、水瀬いのり、花澤香菜Tōyama Nao, born March 11, 1
992) is a Japanese voice actress and singer affiliated with the agency Intention.Before joining Intention, she was affiliated with Arts Vision.She debuted as a voice actress in 2010, and played her first leading role as Kanon Nakagawa in The World God Only Knows. She is also known for her roles as Chitoge Kirisaki in Nisekoi, Yui Yuigahama in My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected, Tomoe Koga in Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, Karen Kujō in&
#160;Kin-iro Mosaic, and Rin Shima in Laid-Back Camp. In 2019, she won the Best Supporting Actress Award w http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/314
315: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/18(火) 04:19:55.41 ID:RW3IVCdn 鳥の詩、早見沙織、○ バナナマンチョモランマ、悠木碧 icanfly、悠木碧○ 荒野の渡り鳥、ワイルド、ロディのテーマ、 なるけみちこ、元ネタ 黄金のエクスタシー、エンニオモリコーネ 続夕陽のガンマン、L'Estasi dell'Oro 渡り鳥無頼ワイルド3 旅路の果てに立ちはだかる者 unfathomed force 英雄伝説 気高き領域、桜庭 カービィのエアライド GLISTENING♭、加藤恵 季節を抱きしめて、加藤恵 小さな手のひら、加藤恵 リーフチケット、加藤恵 LOVE iLLUSiON、加藤恵 第2ボタンの
誓い 加藤恵 帝国歌劇団、加藤恵 君色シグナル、加藤恵 アルハンブラの思い出、ジュ、トゥ、ヴー icanfly,神田沙也加 ダークフォルス、川澄綾子○ stabunjust、水樹奈々○ starwish、星海6、水瀬いのり○ NeverSayBABY、佐倉綾音 ミリオンアーサー瞬間missing、佐倉綾音 天宮さくら、佐倉綾音 ココアバー、佐倉綾音 Sophisticated Figh http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/315
316: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/19(水) 17:19:35.79 ID:Hon5X28Z /:::::::-、:::i´i|::|/:::::::::::ヽ /::::::,,、ミ"ヽ` "゛ / ::::ヽ /::::::=統一教会安倍壺三 `-:::::::ヽ l::::::::/⌒''ヽ,,,)ii(,,,r''''''、l:::::::l . 」::::::l゛ /・\,!./・\ l::::::! .|`:::| :⌒ノ/.. i\⌒ |:::::i (i ″ ,ィ____.i i i // ヽ i / l .i i / ヽ ノil´トェェェイ`li ::/ _/\/\/\/|_ |、ヽ !l |,r-r-| l!/ 低賃
金の下級労働者が足りん!! /⌒ヽゝ. `ニニ´ノ~⌒ヽ 安くこき使える l | 外国人を【奴隷として】どんどん入れろ!! | ,Y Y |  ̄|/\/\/\/ ̄ http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/316
317: 名無しヒーリング [sage] 2022/10/19(水) 17:19:56.27 ID:Hon5X28Z /:::::::-、:::i´i|::|/:::::::::::ヽ /::::::,,、ミ"ヽ` "゛ / ::::ヽ /::::::=統一教会安倍壺三:::::::ヽ l::::::::/⌒''ヽ,,,)ii(,,,r''''''、l:::::::l . 」::::::l゛ /・\,!./・\ l::::::! .|`:::| :⌒ノ/.. i\⌒ |:::::i (i ″ ,ィ____.i i i // ヽ i / l .i i / ヽ ノil´トェェェイ`li ::/ _/\/\/\/|_ |、ヽ !l |,r-r-| l!/ 低賃金の下
級労働者が足りん!! /⌒ヽゝ. `ニニ´ノ~⌒ヽ 安くこき使える l | 外国人を【奴隷として】どんどん入れろ!! | ,Y Y |  ̄|/\/\/\/ ̄ http://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/spiritual/1622215798/317
あと 685 レスあります