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ハイリターン狙い●外国株でも▲コインでも何でも http://egg.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/stock/1521383869/
620: 山師さん [] 2020/08/19(水) 02:18:09 ID:SzIKNa1N Our Choices Given the growing cases of coronavirus in the United States since states started reopening, the importance of air purifiers will only grow from here. We have shortlisted four stocks in this space that are set to grow in the near term on surging demand. Whirlpool Corporation (WHR - Free Report) is one of the largest manufacturers of home appliances in the world. Besides, it also produces hermetic compressors for refrigeration systems and offers quality air purification solutions. According to Whirlpool, the company’s HEPA purifiers are capable of removing as much as 99.97% of particles from the air. The company’s expected earnings growth rate for next year is 27.1%. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for current-year earnings has improved 26.9% over the past 60 days. Shares of the company have gained 66.3% over the past three months. Whirlpool sports a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy). You can see the complete list of today’s Zacks #1 Rank stocks here. Koninklijke Philips N.V. (PHG - Free Report) operates as a health technology company worldwide. The company manufactures smart air purifiers and humidifiers. The products come with HEPA filters for increased protection. The company’s expected earnings growth rate for the current year is 7.1%. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for current-year earnings has improved 17.5% over the past 30 days. Shares of the company have gained 26.6% over the past three months. Koninklijke Philips carries a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). Johnson Controls International plc (JCI - Free Report) offers a wide range of filtration products. From residential and commercial buildings, to clean room environments, the company is committed to offering best-in-class, reliable filtration products every time. The company’s expected earnings growth rate for the current year is 12.2%. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for current-year earnings has improved 29% over the past 30 days. Shares of the company have gained 43.6% over the past three months. Johnson Controls carries a Zacks Rank #2. Unilever NV (UN - Free Report) entered the air purifier space with the acquisition of Sweden-based Blue-Air, which has been one of the market leaders in air purifying solutions, with the leading filtration technologies and design. The company’s expected earnings growth rate for next year is 3.9%. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for current-year earnings has improved 7.6% over the past 30 days. Shares of the company have gained 20.5% over the past three months. Unilever has a Zacks Rank #2. http://egg.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/stock/1521383869/620
621: 山師さん [] 2020/08/19(水) 02:26:56 ID:SzIKNa1N Long-Term Growth Rates Rising On These 5 Buy-Ranked Stocks M.D.C. Holdings, Inc. (MDC - Free Report) M.D.C. Holdings, one of the largest homebuilders in the U.S., constructs, sells and finances residential housing, and is also involved in land acquisition and development in the Denver, Phoenix, Maryland, Virginia, mid-Atlantic region, Las Vegas, Dallas and California metropolitan areas. Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) Industry: Building Products - Home Builders (top 7%) June quarter EPS beat by 59.8% 2020 EPS estimate up 56.9% in the last 30 days (up 26.1% from 2019) 2021 EPS estimate up 56.2% in the last 30 days (up 14.8% from 2020 estimate) Long-term growth estimate up 329.9% in the last 30 days Hologic, Inc. (HOLX - Free Report) Hologic develops, manufactures and supplies diagnostics, medical imaging systems and surgical products for women’s healthcare. Its operating segments are Diagnostics, Breast Health, GYN Surgical, Medical Aesthetics and Skeletal Health. Zacks Rank #1 Industry: Medical – Instruments (bottom 35%) [The top 50% of 250+ Zacks-classified industries generally outperform the bottom 50% by a factor of more than 2 to 1. However, this means that there are certain common positive June quarter EPS beat by 108.3% 2020 EPS estimate up 30.1% in the last 30 days (up 22.6% from 2019) 2021 EPS estimate up 31.5% in the last 30 days (up 43.0% from 2020 estimate) Long-term growth estimate up 120.0% in the last 30 days Forestar Group Inc. (FOR - Free Report) Forestar Group, formerly known as Forestar Real Estate Group, operates through the Real Estate and Natural Resources segments. The real estate segment holds real estate directly or through ventures. The natural resources segment manages oil and gas mineral interests. The company also leases land for recreational purposes and sells wood fiber, primarily from the land it holds in Georgia. Zacks Rank #2 Industry: Real Estate – Development (bottom 20%) June quarter EPS beat by 1,500% 2020 EPS estimate up 23.5% in the last 30 days (up 32.9% from 2019) 2021 EPS estimate up 61.6% in the last 30 days (up 11.9% from 2020 estimate) Long-term growth estimate up 59.6% in the last 30 days Revenue growth for 2020 and 2021 estimated to be 64.2% and 18.5%, respectively http://egg.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/stock/1521383869/621
622: 山師さん [] 2020/08/19(水) 02:30:21 ID:SzIKNa1N Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc. (SPB - Free Report) Spectrum Brands is a global consumer products company with leading brands in product categories like residential locksets, plumbing, electric shaving and grooming products, personal care products, small household appliances, specialty pet supplies, lawn and garden, and home pest control products and repellents. It has operations in around 160 countries across North America, Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA), Latin America and the Asia-Pacific. Zacks Rank #1 Industry: Consumer Products - Discretionary (top 13%) June quarter EPS beat by 41.7% 2020 EPS estimate up 24.2% in the last 30 days (up 25.5% from 2019) 2021 EPS estimate up 37.7% in the last 30 days (up 16.1% from 2020 estimate) Long-term growth estimate 22.6% in the last 30 days Yamana Gold Inc. (AUY - Free Report) Yamana Gold is a Canadian gold producer with significant gold production, gold and copper-gold development stage properties, exploration properties and land positions in all major mineral areas of Brazil. Zacks Rank #2 Industry: Mining - Gold (top 26%) June quarter EPS beat by 133.3% 2020 EPS estimate up 43.8% in the last 30 days (up 76.9% from 2019) 2021 EPS estimate up 13.3% in the last 30 days (up 47.8% from 2020 estimate) Long-term growth estimate up 64.0% in the last 30 days Revenue growth for 2020 and 2021 estimated to be -3.7% and 11.3%, respectively http://egg.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/stock/1521383869/622
623: 山師さん [] 2020/08/19(水) 06:13:37 ID:SzIKNa1N 株式会社エムディーシーホールディングス (MDC - フリーレポート) M.D.C.ホールディングスは、米国最大級のホームビルダーで、住宅の建設、販売、融資を行っているほか、デンバー、フェニックス、メリーランド州、バージニア州、大西洋中部地域、ラスベガス、ダラス、カリフォルニア州の大都市圏で土地の取得や開発を行っています。 ザックスランク1位(強気買い 業種別に見てみると。建築製品-住宅建設業者(上位7%) 6月期のEPSは59.8%のビート 2020年のEPS予想は直近30日で56.9%増(2019年比26.1%増 2021年のEPS予想は直近30日で56.2%増(2020年予想比14.8%増 直近30日間で329.9%増の長期成長予測 Hologic, Inc. (HOLX - フリーレポート) Hologic社は、女性の健康管理のための診断薬、医療用画像診断システム、手術用製品の開発、製造、供給を行っている。同社の事業セグメントは、診断、乳房健康、婦人科手術、メディカルエステティック、骨格健康です。 ザックスランク1位 業種別に見てみましょう。医療機器 (下位35%) [ザックスが分類した250以上の業界の上位50%は、一般的に下位50%を2対1以上の倍率で上回っています。 しかし、これは特定の共通のポジティブな要素があることを意味しています。 6月期のEPSは108.3%のビート 2020年のEPS予想は直近30日で30.1%増(2019年比22.6%増 2021年のEPS予想は直近30日で31.5%増(2020年予想から43.0%増 直近30日で120.0%増の長期成長予測 株式会社フォレスターグループ (FOR - 無料レポート) フォレスターグループ(旧称:フォレスター不動産グループ)は、不動産事業と天然資源事業の2つのセグメントで事業を展開しています。 不動産セグメントは、直接またはベンチャーを通じて不動産を保有しています。天然資源セグメントは、石油・ガス鉱物資源の権益を管理しています。また、レクリエーション目的で土地をリースしたり、主にジョージア州で保有する土地から木質繊維を販売したりしています。 ザックスランク2位 業種別に見てみると、不動産-開発(下20%)があります。不動産 - 開発 (下20%) 6月期のEPSは1,500%のビート 2020年のEPS予想は直近30日で23.5%増(2019年比32.9%増 2021年のEPS予想は直近30日で61.6%増(2020年予想から11.9%増 直近30日の長期成長予想は59.6%増 2020年と2021年の売上高成長率はそれぞれ64.2%、18.5%と推定される http://egg.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/stock/1521383869/623
624: 山師さん [] 2020/08/19(水) 06:15:21 ID:SzIKNa1N スペクトラム・ブランズ・ホールディングス株式会社 (SPB - フリーレポート) スペクトラム・ブランズは、住宅用錠前、配管、電気シェービング、グルーミング製品、パーソナルケア製品、小型家電製品、特殊ペット用品、芝生や庭、家庭用害虫駆除製品や忌避剤などの製品カテゴリーで大手ブランドを擁する世界的な消費者製品会社です。北米、ヨーロッパ、中東・アフリカ(EMEA)、中南米、アジア太平洋地域の約160カ国で事業を展開しています。 ザックスランク1位 産業別に見てみると、消費者向け製品が上位13%を占めています。消費者製品 - 裁量(上位13%)。 6月期のEPSは41.7%のビート 2020年のEPS予想は直近30日で24.2%増(2019年比25.5%増 2021年のEPS予想は直近30日で37.7%増(2020年予想から16.1%増 長期的には過去30日間で22.6%の成長を見込む 山名ゴールド株式会社 (AUY - フリーレポート) Yamana Goldはカナダの金生産企業で、ブラジルの主要な鉱区のすべてに金生産、金および銅-金の開発段階の物件、探査物件、土地を保有しています。 ザックスランク2位 産業. 鉱業 - 金 (上位26%) 6月期のEPSは133.3%のビート 2020年のEPS予想は直近30日で43.8%増(2019年比76.9%増 2021年のEPS予想は直近30日で13.3%増(2020年予想比47.8%増 直近30日で64.0%増の長期成長予想 2020年と2021年の売上高成長率はそれぞれ-3.7%、11.3%と推定 http://egg.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/stock/1521383869/624