[過去ログ] 【バーチャルyoutuber】兎田ぺこら#401【ホロライブ/hololive】ID無し (1002レス)

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547: 2022/12/10(土)17:34 AAS
Elon Musk Inescapably Supports ONGOING Government Censorship of Americans.

After 45 Days, the DEADLINE has passed & Elon Musk maintains in FULL FUNCTIONING ORDER the Government’s Backdoor to Twitter despite an alleged change in Ownership.

All of Musk’s CIRCUS STUNTS I.e. “Twitter Files,” some Firings, and Tweets serve one purpose: TO CONCEAL Twitter’s continued partnership with Government Censorship.

Nothing has changed. Facelift and Botox don’t change the SOUL of TWITTER.

Elon Musk is a Fraud. The backdoor continues in use. He is nothing but a puppet for Government: CISA/DHS.
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