【TD】Gem Craftスレ part1 (650レス)
【TD】Gem Craftスレ part1 http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/
120: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/09(水) 15:14:00.29 ID:6g2jyFKa >>108 v. 1.0.2 - 2014.IV.07. Field Q6 requirement info text properly says P3 instead of R1 Orb strengthening tutorial panel text updated Gem bomb spell info text updated, 'gem anvil' left from GCL removed; dragging gems (either bombs or not) on the mana pool destroys the gem, giving back mana Using mouse wheel over skill and battle trait not obtained yet doesn't reveal its description anymore Deleting saved games now needs a click and pressing D instead of double-clicking to avoid accidental loss of saved data Fixed: pressing 1..6 (spells) while dragging the gem makes the gem stuck and unusable Fixed: masonry skill raised above 100% initial building cost discount makes building amplifiers give mana instead of being free (like for other buildings) Fixed: dropped orblets could be blocked from the orb. Shadow core drop bonus by wizard level capped at level 500 Apparitions, specters, spires, shadows give more sc than before, up to wizard level 500 Enraged waves have a monster cap of 999 (dropping more gems still increases xp per monster) Fixed some typos http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/120
121: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/09(水) 15:43:04.46 ID:6g2jyFKa >>120 v. 1.0.5 - 2014.IV.08. Major bug fixed: placing building near the edge of the field while monsters arrive from an incoming path could have those monsters go through obstacles, fall out of the system, and leave the monster counter above zero, resulting in the battle never ending Gem component skills properly tell now that they grant their corresponding component for every battle Fixed: at the end of endurance runs, fragments found prior to the start of endurance got rarity boost again, consuming +1 rarity booster Battle traits tutor panel now points to the Orblets trait Fixed: a shadow killed by a shrine as the very last enemy didn't give shadow cores Fixed some typos v. 1.0.4 - 2014.IV.07. The game should also run on Internet Explorer Setting a difficulty, returning, then selecting a vision field sets the difficulty back to looming The Forgotten GUI lock appearance sets the time speed to 1 v. 1.0.3 - 2014.IV.07. Chain hit gem in trap doesn't hit the same monster multiple times anymore Gems in traps lied about their bloodbound and poolbound multipliers getting the trap bonus - trap info texts and shown numbers are adjusted now Field B5 tomb monster count decreased from 1.000 to 100 Fixed: possibly fatal lag (timeout) when trying to load saved games with astronomical wizard levels Fixed: 'Heat a spark' achievement was given even if there was not enough mana to heat spark with prototype rapid bombing Fixed an exploit involving spark heating Typo on H3 Journey page fixed Made some balancing efforts with poolbound and chain hit gems Added to enhancement spells info text: Enhanced gems get socketed instantly http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/121
122: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/09(水) 17:05:08.74 ID:S6XTQe5k >Field B5 tomb monster count decreased from 1.000 to 100 何か分からんが減りすぎワロタw http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/122
123: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/09(水) 20:15:44.89 ID:Aq/Rxko+ to open kill81frozenmonstersってどうするの? http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/123
124: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/09(水) 20:42:08.58 ID:tvGaOAIE >>123 スペル「フリーズ」で凍らせた敵を凍結してる間に規定数倒す 1回のフリーズで規定数全部倒す必要はないけど、 1プレイ中(ステージ開始からステージクリア)にやらないと数はリセットされる http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/124
125: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/10(木) 01:42:09.67 ID:YVRwt1nk コアはレアリティあげるよりも難易度に振ったほうがいい気がする 序盤のマップでも数十万稼げるのはおいしい http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/125
126: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/10(木) 04:48:38.28 ID:dmT4/tcw Bombで敵の数増やすよりも、難易度振ったほうが圧倒的に美味いな その作業ないおかげで9倍速と一時停止でサクサクまわせるし http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/126
127: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/10(木) 09:00:40.78 ID:/tmBYC5g 9倍速で流れていく石版にボムをぶつけるのが男ってモンさ http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/127
128: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/10(木) 22:26:01.40 ID:0MFp2IGf 適当なレアリティ10台のタリスマン2つつけたら gem wasps attack +39% faster ってなったんだが、これタワーの通常攻撃が4割速くなってるんだよな?TUEEEE http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/128
129: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/10(木) 22:49:44.69 ID:w6TFU0Kb いやタワーじゃない、ワスプだ 恐らくボムの後に漂ってるアレのことかと http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/129
130: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/11(金) 00:21:45.47 ID:X8YW9Pkc >>129 そうみたいだな いまそのwaspのスキルとって、気づいてガッカリしたよ http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/130
131: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/11(金) 16:57:19.89 ID:Vi+6SBVT amp解禁まで長いわ http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/131
132: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/11(金) 21:00:34.17 ID:10i5NKn5 なんか前回より面白くないんだよな 慣れてないからなのかもう飽きてしまったからなのか・・ http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/132
133: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/11(金) 21:36:43.52 ID:HvSxtEId むしろ慣れると単調なだけなのがなぁ http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/133
134: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/12(土) 00:28:08.84 ID:zW4DUr/f 硬ぇし面倒なギミックあるしリジェネめっちゃ掛かってるし http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/134
135: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/12(土) 07:10:11.71 ID:Bv5lV4gd 散々文句言われてるけど、過去最高作だと思うわー http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/135
136: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/12(土) 09:44:19.72 ID:lL3P2wgJ ジェム持ち去りシャドウやらシールドビーコンやらリストックビーコンやら ランダム性はいらねえんだよおおおおお http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/136
137: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/12(土) 10:04:16.58 ID:4LTFFQek >>121 v. 1.0.6 - 2014.IV.09. Fixed an error thrown when rolloing over a spark with gem bomb activated Overall spark balancing In case mousewheel doesn't work or you don't have one, you can zoom the map, use scroll bars (options, achievements, journey log) and browse the change log with PageUp/PageDown keys Use of PageUp/PageDown keys added to the map navigation tutor panel Fixed: poolbound gems weren't recalculated upon mana pool extension Corrupted mana shards give less mana over time Inverted the direction of journey notes scrolling with mouse wheel / PageUp/PageDown keys Clarified: Vision fields give a custom set of gem types and spells (instead of disabling all spells as expected by the 'no skills' condition) Fixed login minipanel blink at the load screen when starting up for the first time Target priority 'Highest banishment cost / Special' clarified to 'Flying ones / Spires / Highest banishment cost' http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/137
138: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/12(土) 13:05:29.34 ID:884wwuR0 >>136 自分は後半から出現する一定時間操作不能が不要だと思うわ Wave早送り+9x speedでプレイしていると鬱陶しいことこの上ない http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/138
139: Now_loading...774KB [sage] 2014/04/12(土) 15:54:42.51 ID:1qN+sgKH スレの伸び悪すぎるな やはり出来が・・・ http://mevius.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/swf/1298737743/139
あと 511 レスあります