[過去ログ] 蒲郡について語ろう その28 (1002レス)

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336: 2024/10/05(土)11:09 ID:+woc9W0o(2/2) AAS
Japanese people, make sure to make friends.

Japanese citizens between the ages of 25 and 30, make sure to get married.

Be kind and gentle when interacting with members of the opposite sex.

Wear a mask if you have a cold. Do not go out if you have a cold.

Do not eat or drink on the street.

Do not drive if you are over 70 years old.
Use trains, buses, or taxis.

Do not use oil or gas heating if you are over 70 years old. Use electric or air-conditioned heating.

Do not get tattoos. This is bad behavior.

Do not use a collar chain. It is considered delinquent behavior.

No earrings, necklaces, pierced earrings or bracelets are permitted - this is illegal.

To prevent falling, do not put your hands in your trouser pockets.
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