世田谷区 3 (118レス)
105: 02/10(月)12:28 ID:rO6RQWXr(2/3) AAS
Monday, February 10, Setagaya Ward,
There were a lot of people with blond hair.
Blonde hair is a bad Yankee act, so please don't go out.
Please go out with black hair.
There was a man with his hair tied back with a string.
Don't go out because it's a delinquent Yankee act.
Please go out with a bald head, a sports haircut, or a haircut.
Some people were out in fancy clothes.
Don't go out because it's a delinquent Yankee act.
Please go out in plain clothes.
I saw many cars exceeding the speed limit.
It's dangerous, so please don't drive too fast.
Please keep to the speed limit.
From the Japanese Society for the Purification of Human Life
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