[過去ログ] 坊っちゃんちゃら FANTA 47 (1002レス)
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248(1): (HappyBirthday! Sa3b-qIQr) 2022/11/20(日)01:33 ID:l+qWcqByaHAPPY(2/3) AAS
【multilingual】 person
strictly 【speaking】,
to make a long p【story】short,
You can get my 【answer】 later
Mistake I did which you pointed out there are just misspelling, not about grammar, syntax or things like that.
I don't give yot any credit for doing this. It's easy to do this, not giving us any fruits at all. I expect you to point out something meaningful and intellectual.
あと 754 レスあります
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