[過去ログ] 坊っちゃんちゃら FANTA 47 (1002レス)
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292(4): (アウアウウー Sa3b-qIQr) 2022/11/23(水)09:08 ID:Y0DTxRx0a(1/6) AAS
【It makes sense I know lots of things, including ones in the years before I was born. 】
First of all, as for in this sentence I made no mistake. Perfect beautiful English, isn't it,huh?
And then, I am to explain it in detail.
First, the structure of this sentence is what? Main part of it is “it makes sense”. IT is a subject, MADE is a verb, and sense is a compliment. MAKE SENSE is also considered as a phrasal verb or idiom.
まずは文章の構造からだ。やや長い文章だが基幹となるのはIt makes sense (that )だ。it が主語、makes が動詞、sense が補語だ。
make sense を句動詞または熟語と捉えてることもできる。that以下のことは『理にかなっている、当然そのように言うことができる』そのような意味だ。
I know lots of things
This is a small structure of this sentence which consist of S, V and Object.
And next.
What is INCLUDING? What does ~InG actually means?
次のI know lots of things 。
基幹の文章、大構造の中にある、いわば小構造の文章だ。『ぼくは色んなことを知っている』との意。Iが主語、know が動詞、lots of things が目的語だ。
では、問題のその次のincluding とは何か?なかんずくincluding のingとは何なのか??( ^∀^)
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