[過去ログ] 坊っちゃんちゃら FANTA 47 (1002レス)
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730(2): (中止 Sadd-Bzx5) 2022/12/25(日)17:06 ID:W316EESkaXMAS(1) AAS
Unfortunately you are wrong completely. You are out of mark if you ask me why.
That is not a lie as which I think from bottom of the heart you can't believe it is true.
It is, so to speak, range of error, do you see, which basically does not matter and simply does not make any differences. If I'd give you another explanation you can understand easily, it's just like the play of steering, you see, the steering play which we basically need in order to drive safely.
うんにゃ。それは違うね。きみは僕に言わせればちゃんちゃら的はずれだ。'`,、('∀`) '`,、
あまりに精密に作られたハンドルsteering wheel だと運転するときにとても危険なんだ。ちょこっとハンドルを動かしただけで車が右に左に反応してしまって蛇行してしまうからね。
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