[過去ログ] 坊っちゃんちゃら FANTA 47 (1002レス)
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(1): (ワッチョイW f7b3-PcD4) 2022/11/27(日)07:01 ID:BzXkN9sG0(1/4) AAS
(1): (アウアウウー Sa5b-0bqf) 2022/11/27(日)09:13 ID:0904ilTTa(1/4) AAS
そうですな。まずぼくはI'm qualified with being called the real genius and also qualified with having my own self- confidence, bragging about my geniusness and get jealousy out of you anti-Fanties, ( ´∀`)
で、in addition to that, I am now piling up the efforts which is equivalent to giving it all I've got to be called the genuine genius, to be deserved to be known as that sort of things, you know.
そしてthat's what I think about myself and you're not happy only with this explanation, so you're asking me to tell it out, that is to say, be specific it please, which you are insisting on, right? ( ^∀^)
Yes, I'm ready to do it and it's a piece of cake but do me a favor, what is this question all about? In other words, what does it really mean?
わかるかね?つまりwhat do you intend to say here? I mean what is WHAT I'VE DONE TO THE PRESENT FROM THE PAST all about?? I deeply want to know it before I answer in order to give you an appropriate one, that's what I'm thinking here.
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