[過去ログ] 【南原】ヒルナンデス!★Part188【水ト】 [転載禁止]©2ch.net (509レス)

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271: 2015/01/05(月)04:03 ID:h4Mr3Pb20(6/6) AAS

自我得仏来 所経諸劫数 無量百千万 億載阿僧祇
常説法教化 無数億衆生 令入於仏道 爾来無量劫
為度衆生故 方便現涅槃 而実不滅度 常住此説法
我常住於此 以諸神通力 令顛倒衆生 雖近而不見
衆見我滅度 広供養舎利 咸皆懐恋慕 而生渇仰心
衆生既信伏 質直意柔軟 一心欲見仏 不自惜身命
時我及衆僧 倶出霊鷲山 我時語衆生 常在此不滅
以方便力故 現有滅不滅 余国有衆生 恭敬信楽者
我復於彼中 為説無上法 汝等不聞此 但謂我滅度
272: 2015/01/05(月)04:41 ID:Z4+t1DcX0(1/4) AAS

自我得仏来 所経諸劫数 無量百千万 億載阿僧祇
常説法教化 無数億衆生 令入於仏道 爾来無量劫
為度衆生故 方便現涅槃 而実不滅度 常住此説法
我常住於此 以諸神通力 令顛倒衆生 雖近而不見
衆見我滅度 広供養舎利 咸皆懐恋慕 而生渇仰心
衆生既信伏 質直意柔軟 一心欲見仏 不自惜身命
時我及衆僧 倶出霊鷲山 我時語衆生 常在此不滅
以方便力故 現有滅不滅 余国有衆生 恭敬信楽者
我復於彼中 為説無上法 汝等不聞此 但謂我滅度
273: 2015/01/05(月)04:42 ID:Z4+t1DcX0(2/4) AAS

自我得仏来 所経諸劫数 無量百千万 億載阿僧祇
常説法教化 無数億衆生 令入於仏道 爾来無量劫
為度衆生故 方便現涅槃 而実不滅度 常住此説法
我常住於此 以諸神通力 令顛倒衆生 雖近而不見
衆見我滅度 広供養舎利 咸皆懐恋慕 而生渇仰心
衆生既信伏 質直意柔軟 一心欲見仏 不自惜身命
時我及衆僧 倶出霊鷲山 我時語衆生 常在此不滅
以方便力故 現有滅不滅 余国有衆生 恭敬信楽者
我復於彼中 為説無上法 汝等不聞此 但謂我滅度
274: 2015/01/05(月)04:43 ID:Z4+t1DcX0(3/4) AAS

自我得仏来 所経諸劫数 無量百千万 億載阿僧祇
常説法教化 無数億衆生 令入於仏道 爾来無量劫
為度衆生故 方便現涅槃 而実不滅度 常住此説法
我常住於此 以諸神通力 令顛倒衆生 雖近而不見
衆見我滅度 広供養舎利 咸皆懐恋慕 而生渇仰心
衆生既信伏 質直意柔軟 一心欲見仏 不自惜身命
時我及衆僧 倶出霊鷲山 我時語衆生 常在此不滅
以方便力故 現有滅不滅 余国有衆生 恭敬信楽者
我復於彼中 為説無上法 汝等不聞此 但謂我滅度
275: 2015/01/05(月)04:44 ID:Z4+t1DcX0(4/4) AAS

自我得仏来 所経諸劫数 無量百千万 億載阿僧祇
常説法教化 無数億衆生 令入於仏道 爾来無量劫
為度衆生故 方便現涅槃 而実不滅度 常住此説法
我常住於此 以諸神通力 令顛倒衆生 雖近而不見
衆見我滅度 広供養舎利 咸皆懐恋慕 而生渇仰心
衆生既信伏 質直意柔軟 一心欲見仏 不自惜身命
時我及衆僧 倶出霊鷲山 我時語衆生 常在此不滅
以方便力故 現有滅不滅 余国有衆生 恭敬信楽者
我復於彼中 為説無上法 汝等不聞此 但謂我滅度
276: 2015/01/05(月)06:29 ID:J0pKkWIs0(1) AAS
277: 2015/01/05(月)07:05 ID:Zb7h+ztZ0(1/6) AAS

The Federal Convention convened in the State House in Philadelphia on May 14, 1787, to revise the Articles of Confederation.
Because the delegations from only two states were at first present, the members adjourned from day to day until a quorum of seven states was obtained on May 25.
Through discussion and debate it became clear by mid-June that, rather than amend the existing Articles, the Convention would draft an entirely new frame of government.
All through the summer, in closed sessions, the delegates debated, and redrafted the articles of the new Constitution.
Among the chief points at issue were how much power to allow the central government, how many representatives in Congress to allow each state, and how these representatives should be elected--directly by the people or by the state legislators.
The work of many minds, the Constitution stands as a model of cooperative statesmanship and the art of compromise.
278: 2015/01/05(月)07:06 ID:Zb7h+ztZ0(2/6) AAS

The Federal Convention convened in the State House in Philadelphia on May 14, 1787, to revise the Articles of Confederation.
Because the delegations from only two states were at first present, the members adjourned from day to day until a quorum of seven states was obtained on May 25.
Through discussion and debate it became clear by mid-June that, rather than amend the existing Articles, the Convention would draft an entirely new frame of government.
All through the summer, in closed sessions, the delegates debated, and redrafted the articles of the new Constitution.
Among the chief points at issue were how much power to allow the central government, how many representatives in Congress to allow each state, and how these representatives should be elected--directly by the people or by the state legislators.
The work of many minds, the Constitution stands as a model of cooperative statesmanship and the art of compromise.
279: 2015/01/05(月)07:07 ID:Zb7h+ztZ0(3/6) AAS

The Federal Convention convened in the State House in Philadelphia on May 14, 1787, to revise the Articles of Confederation.
Because the delegations from only two states were at first present, the members adjourned from day to day until a quorum of seven states was obtained on May 25.
Through discussion and debate it became clear by mid-June that, rather than amend the existing Articles, the Convention would draft an entirely new frame of government.
All through the summer, in closed sessions, the delegates debated, and redrafted the articles of the new Constitution.
Among the chief points at issue were how much power to allow the central government, how many representatives in Congress to allow each state, and how these representatives should be elected--directly by the people or by the state legislators.
The work of many minds, the Constitution stands as a model of cooperative statesmanship and the art of compromise.
280: 2015/01/05(月)07:08 ID:Zb7h+ztZ0(4/6) AAS

The Federal Convention convened in the State House in Philadelphia on May 14, 1787, to revise the Articles of Confederation.
Because the delegations from only two states were at first present, the members adjourned from day to day until a quorum of seven states was obtained on May 25.
Through discussion and debate it became clear by mid-June that, rather than amend the existing Articles, the Convention would draft an entirely new frame of government.
All through the summer, in closed sessions, the delegates debated, and redrafted the articles of the new Constitution.
Among the chief points at issue were how much power to allow the central government, how many representatives in Congress to allow each state, and how these representatives should be elected--directly by the people or by the state legislators.
The work of many minds, the Constitution stands as a model of cooperative statesmanship and the art of compromise.
281: 2015/01/05(月)07:08 ID:Zb7h+ztZ0(5/6) AAS

The Federal Convention convened in the State House in Philadelphia on May 14, 1787, to revise the Articles of Confederation.
Because the delegations from only two states were at first present, the members adjourned from day to day until a quorum of seven states was obtained on May 25.
Through discussion and debate it became clear by mid-June that, rather than amend the existing Articles, the Convention would draft an entirely new frame of government.
All through the summer, in closed sessions, the delegates debated, and redrafted the articles of the new Constitution.
Among the chief points at issue were how much power to allow the central government, how many representatives in Congress to allow each state, and how these representatives should be elected--directly by the people or by the state legislators.
The work of many minds, the Constitution stands as a model of cooperative statesmanship and the art of compromise.
282: 2015/01/05(月)07:14 ID:Zb7h+ztZ0(6/6) AAS

The Federal Convention convened in the State House in Philadelphia on May 14, 1787, to revise the Articles of Confederation.
Because the delegations from only two states were at first present, the members adjourned from day to day until a quorum of seven states was obtained on May 25.
Through discussion and debate it became clear by mid-June that, rather than amend the existing Articles, the Convention would draft an entirely new frame of government.
All through the summer, in closed sessions, the delegates debated, and redrafted the articles of the new Constitution.
Among the chief points at issue were how much power to allow the central government, how many representatives in Congress to allow each state, and how these representatives should be elected--directly by the people or by the state legislators.
The work of many minds, the Constitution stands as a model of cooperative statesmanship and the art of compromise.
(1): 2015/01/05(月)09:36 ID:UkguALRh0(1/6) AAS




(1): 2015/01/05(月)09:37 ID:UkguALRh0(2/6) AAS


285: 2015/01/05(月)09:54 ID:Fv5r4mxU0(1/7) AAS
Do not raise this thread !!
Otherwise, I roughening the thread!!

He wasn't good enough for her.
She had a pretty face but her head was up in space.
She needed to come back down to earth.
Five years from now, she sits at home feeding the baby, she's all alone.
She turns on TV and guess who she sees?
Skater boy rockin' up MTV.
She calls up her friends.
They already know
286: 2015/01/05(月)09:55 ID:Fv5r4mxU0(2/7) AAS
Do not raise this thread !!
Otherwise, I roughening the thread!!

He wasn't good enough for her.
She had a pretty face but her head was up in space.
She needed to come back down to earth.
Five years from now, she sits at home feeding the baby, she's all alone.
She turns on TV and guess who she sees?
Skater boy rockin' up MTV.
She calls up her friends.
They already know
287: 2015/01/05(月)09:55 ID:Fv5r4mxU0(3/7) AAS
Do not raise this thread !!
Otherwise, I roughening the thread!!

He wasn't good enough for her.
She had a pretty face but her head was up in space.
She needed to come back down to earth.
Five years from now, she sits at home feeding the baby, she's all alone.
She turns on TV and guess who she sees?
Skater boy rockin' up MTV.
She calls up her friends.
They already know
288: 2015/01/05(月)09:56 ID:Fv5r4mxU0(4/7) AAS
Do not raise this thread !!
Otherwise, I roughening the thread !!

He wasn't good enough for her.
She had a pretty face but her head was up in space.
She needed to come back down to earth.
Five years from now, she sits at home feeding the baby, she's all alone.
She turns on TV and guess who she sees?
Skater boy rockin' up MTV.
She calls up her friends.
They already know
289: 2015/01/05(月)09:57 ID:Fv5r4mxU0(5/7) AAS
Do not raise this thread !!
Otherwise, I roughening the thread!!

He wasn't good enough for her.
She had a pretty face but her head was up in space.
She needed to come back down to earth.
Five years from now, she sits at home feeding the baby, she's all alone.
She turns on TV and guess who she sees?
Skater boy rockin' up MTV.
She calls up her friends.
They already know
290: 2015/01/05(月)09:57 ID:Fv5r4mxU0(6/7) AAS
Do not raise this thread !!
Otherwise, I roughening the thread !!

He wasn't good enough for her.
She had a pretty face but her head was up in space.
She needed to come back down to earth.
Five years from now, she sits at home feeding the baby, she's all alone.
She turns on TV and guess who she sees?
Skater boy rockin' up MTV.
She calls up her friends.
They already know
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