[過去ログ] 神奈川県の精神科・神経科・心療内科その29©2ch.net (1002レス)

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64: 昼ライト点灯虫マニャデチLGBTQ性欲欠落アスペ300系3重障壁バセドウ綿飴箸JAL123 2017/07/20(木)00:59 ID:Epv/cGxG(12/20) AAS
Wednesday, July 19, 2017, 16:30- 17:30

"Unruly physical restraint of patients at psychiatric hospitals must stop"

Language: The speech and Q & A will be in English and Japanese with English interpretation

There is a dark secret in Japan’s psychiatric treatment, in which physical restraint of patients is widely practiced. It is so widely practiced that it might be causing unnecessary death of patients.

The questionable practice was highlighted earlier this year when Kelly Savage, a 27-year-old English teacher from New Zealand, died in Yamato Hospital’s psychiatric ward. Kelly, who was put waist, leg and wrist restraints, and tied to a bed for 10 days before he suffered a heart attack on May 10.

Physical restraint refers to patients’ limbs being tied to a bed using specialized tools. It causes substantial physical and psychological distress on the patient. However, it is widely practiced in Japan because a psychiatrist alone can authorize it on the basis of clear hyperactivity and/or agitation.

In Japan, although the number of patients in psychiatric wards of a hospitals is decreasing, cases of physical restraint are increasing. According to national data, 10,682 people were restrained in 2014 more than double the number from a decade earlier.

An investigation of 11 hospitals conducted by Prof. Toshio Hasegawa of Kyorin University showed the average duration of physical restraint was 96 days. This directly contradicts UN Resolution 46/119 on “The protection of persons with mental illness”.There are approximately 290,000 patients in Japanese psychiatric hospitals,
of which over 200,000 are hospitalized for more than a year. The average length of stay is approximately 280 days.

There are many reports of patients and their families being shocked to find restraint being applied even at times when patient are perfectly calm. It is also common for patients to be restrained on the grounds of fall prevention, and there are examples of restraint being used in a disciplinary manner.

Speakers will share the awful experience they had with Kelly’s hospitalization, and call for reviewing the legitimacy of the widely practiced use of physical restraint.

出典:The Foreign Correspondent' Club of Japan
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